Solution to today’s crossword in the New York Times
Solution to today’s SYNDICATED New York Times crossword in all other publications
THEME: In-Nuendos … the ultimate answer for each of the themed clues is in the format X IN Y. The “X” is the word spelled out by the circled letters “in” each answer. The “Y” is hinted at by the answer itself. It’s probably easier to understand by looking at the answers themselves:
22A. 1997 Will Smith/Tommy Lee Jones flick : (MEN in) AFRICAN AMERICAN = “Men in Black”
36A. Preventive measure, proverbially : (STITCH in) IT’S TOLD USING A WATCH = stitch in time
51A. Headstone phrase : (REST in) TREATY RESULT = rest in peace
69A. Lurid 1979 film about John Dillinger’s girlfriend, with “The” : (LADY in) COLOR FOR VALENTINE’S DAY = “Lady in Red”
88A. “To be on the safe side …” : (JUST in) JUDGE’S MATTER = just in case
101A. Golf ace : (HOLE in) THE LONELIEST NUMBER = hole in one
121A. One who looks friendly but isn’t : (WOLF in) WOOL, FACETIOUSLY = wolf in sheep’s clothing
Today’s Wiki-est, Amazonian Googlies
I am afraid I attacked the puzzle very late this evening (was at a Philip Glass recital … wonderful!) so I don’t have time for the look-ups. I will try to get them done tomorrow (Sunday), but as I have to get my tax return completed, that might be a challenge. Still hoping for a simpler tax code one day …
For the sake of completion, here is a full listing of all the answers:
1. Split the tab : GO DUTCH
8. Left : VACATED
15. McEnroe rival : BORG
19. Under development? : IN UTERO
20. Put on microfiche, maybe : ARCHIVE
21. Golfer with an “army” : ARNIE
22. 1997 Will Smith/Tommy Lee Jones flick : (MEN in) AFRICAN AMERICAN = “Men in Black”
24. Van Gogh or Monet vista : SEINE
25. “Frosty” air? : NOEL
26. Knicks star Anthony, to fans : MELO
27. Hikers’ wear : KNAPSACKS
29. General refusal? : NO, SIR
31. Attention getter : YOO-HOO
35. Bishop’s locale : DIOCESE
36. Preventive measure, proverbially : (STITCH in) IT’S TOLD USING A WATCH = stitch in time
40. Yesteryear : YORE
41. Huge, to Hugo : ENORME
42. Prima donnas’ features : EGOS
46. Skip over water, as stones : DAP
49. Some game : FOWL
51. Headstone phrase : (REST in) TREATY RESULT = rest in peace
55. Camaro ___-Z : IROC
57. Fraction of a min. : NSEC
59. Phony: Prefix : PSEUD-
60. Commercial suffix with Power : -ADE
61. Baskin-Robbins unit : SCOOP
63. Smooths : EASES
67. Athlete wearing a calligraphic “D” logo : TIGER
69. Lurid 1979 film about John Dillinger’s girlfriend, with “The” : (LADY in) COLOR FOR VALENTINE’S DAY = “Lady in Red”
76. Went downhill fast : SKIED
77. Misses part of a movie, maybe : DOZES
78. Contortionist’s bendy part : SPINE
79. Letter seen twice in Philadelphia : PHI
81. Stray sounds? : MEOWS
84. Blocks (up) : DAMS
87. Masculine principle : YANG
88. “To be on the safe side …” : (JUST in) JUDGE’S MATTER = just in case
93. Bank take-back : REPO
95. Seasonal potation : NOG
96. Hook hand : SMEE
97. Stone-pushing Winter Olympian : CURLER
99. Japanese native : AINU
101. Golf ace : (HOLE in) THE LONELIEST NUMBER = hole in one
109. Rogers’s partner : ASTAIRE
112. Swiss cheese concoction : FONDUE
113. ___ driver : SLAVE
114. The Royal Game of India : PARCHEESI
117. Russia’s ___ Mountains : URAL
119. “There is ___!” : A GOD
120. Refuges : ASYLA
121. One who looks friendly but isn’t : (WOLF in) WOOL, FACETIOUSLY = wolf in sheep’s clothing
126. 31-Across, for one : SHOUT
127. Like some bad language : ABUSIVE
128. Hammy, say : EMOTIVE
129. Compos mentis : SANE
130. Spouse’s acquiescence : YES, DEAR
131. Perched : ROOSTED
1. Designer Versace : GIANNI
2. Hoofing it : ON FOOT
3. Coercion : DURESS
4. Multipurpose : UTILITY
5. Private investigator, in slang : TEC
6. Do a semester’s worth of studying in one night, say : CRAM
7. Breakfast items often eaten with spoons : HONEYDEWS
8. “Amscray!” : VAMOOSE
9. Total : ARE
10. “Bad Moon Rising” band, for short : CCR
11. Yellowfin tuna : AHI
12. OFF! target : TICK
13. Ex-senator Bayh : EVAN
14. Reply to “Gracias” : DE NADA
15. Security crises : BREACHES
16. Where skaters skate : ON ICE
17. Where skaters skate : RINKS
18. V components : GEESE
21. Org. : ASSOC
23. Big name in the diamond business? : ALOU
28. Set (against) : PIT
30. It’s often slanted : ROOF
32. What [wink wink] may signify : HINT
33. ___ about (approximately) : ON OR
34. Dungeons & Dragons figure : OGRE
37. “Dianetics” author ___ Hubbard : L RON
38. “Want me to draw you ___?” : A MAP
39. Bedews : WETS
43. Certain angel : GUARDIAN
44. ___ school : OLD
45. Canonized mlle. : STE
46. 45, e.g. : DISC
47. Western U.S. gas brand : ARCO
48. Locale for many a lounge chair : POOLSIDE
50. Lounge lizard’s look : LEER
52. Sasquatch’s kin : YETI
53. Torpedo : RUIN
54. Does some yard work : EDGES
56. Pan handler : COOK
58. Virginia athlete, informally : CAV
62. Get ready : PRIME
64. What a texter of “:-(” might be : SAD
65. “Xanadu” group, for short : ELO
66. “Oh yeah? ___ who?!” : SEZ
68. Glimpse : ESPY
70. Retainers, e.g. : FEES
71. N.B.A. forward Lamar ___ : ODOM
72. “Game of Thrones” protagonist ___ Stark : NED
73. Father of a grand duke : TSAR
74. Word on a cornerstone : ANNO
75. Person with a safe job? : YEGG
79. Sleepers : PJS
80. Run nicely : HUM
82. Home of the Texas Sports Hall of Fame : WACO
83. Leave thunderstruck : STUN
85. Tyrannosaurus rex, archetypally : MEAT EATER
86. Prepare, as cotton candy : SPIN
89. “Wake up and smell the coffee!” : GET A CLUE
90. Not kosher : TREF
91. Cockney greeting : ‘ELLO
92. Head turner : REIN
94. Cross to bear : ONUS
98. Dieter : REDUCER
100. Deutsch marks? : UMLAUTS
102. Percussion instrument with a pedal : HI-HAT
103. Afore : ERE
104. Wiggle room : LEEWAY
105. “Why not?!” : SURE
106. Quits, slangily : BAGS IT
107. Not stay the same : EVOLVE
108. Went back to brunette, say : REDYED
109. Make ___ at : A PASS
110. An Obama girl : SASHA
111. Check for fit : TRY ON
115. Drink with a lizard logo : SOBE
116. Slips in pots : IOUS
118. Bar car? : LIMO
122. Onetime aid in psychotherapy : LSD
123. “Bah!” : FIE
124. Gardner of “The Barefoot Contessa” : AVA
125. Tic-tac-toe winner : OOO
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