Solution to today’s crossword in the New York Times
Solution to today’s SYNDICATED New York Times crossword in all other publications
THEME: SAY WHAT? … each of the theme answer is a well-known phrase or term, but clued as an order or an exclamation addressed to some object. I think the answers themselves provide a better explanation than I can:
23A. “I’ve heard enough, retail outlet!” : SHUT UP SHOP (“Shut up, shop!”)
25A. “I agree completely, dog-eared bit of paper!” : AMEN CORNER (“Amen, corner!”)
28A. “Stop right where you are, picture holder!” : FREEZE-FRAME (“Freeze, frame!”)
44A. “You’re in danger, tall hill!” : LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN (“Look out, mountain!”)
54A. “The chair doesn’t recognize you, steakhouse and chophouse!” : SIT-DOWN RESTAURANTS (“Sit down, restaurants!”)
76A. “I’d be miserable without you, tapestry!” : DON’T LEAVE ME HANGING (“Don’t leave me, hanging!”)
85A. “Goodbye, place I used to live!” : FAREWELL ADDRESS (“Farewell, address!”)
104A. “Just keep doing what you’re doing, suitcases!” : CARRY-ON BAGS (“Carry on, bags!”)
110A. “I read you loud and clear, breakfast meat!” : ROGER BACON (“Roger, bacon!”)
112A. “It was all my fault, gun attachment!” : SORRY SIGHT (“Sorry, sight!”)
Today’s Wiki-est, Amazonian Googlies
6. Bates’s “Misery” co-star : CAAN
The 1990 film “Misery” is an adaptation of the Stephen King novel of the same name. I think it’s the only movie of a King book that I’ve watched and enjoyed. I can’t stomach his books, not because of the writing, but because of the gruesome scenes that are part of the plots. The screen version of “Misery” is toned down a little from the original storyline. In the novel, the Kathy Bates character amputates the James Caan character’s foot to incapacitate him. In the movie she just smashes his ankles. Big difference …
21. Something well-preserved? : WATER
Water is “preserved” in a well.
22. ___ avis : RARA
A rara avis is anything that is very rare, from the Latin for “rare bird”.
25. “I agree completely, dog-eared bit of paper!” : AMEN CORNER (“Amen, corner!”)
“Amen corner” is the name given to that location in a church where the congregation is particularly vocal, responding to the preacher. It’s a term that arose in Southern Baptist churches.
27. What you might get by moving a head? : PEZ
PEZ is an Austrian brand name for a particular candy sold in a mechanical dispenser. The name PEZ comes from the first, middle and last letters of “Pfefferminz“, the German word for “peppermint”. Quite interesting …
30. “One if by land, two if by sea” and others : CODES
“One if by land, and two if by see” is the famous signal code used by Paul Revere to warn the people of Charlestown when the British army was approaching. The words “one if by land, and two if by sea”, are immortalized in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride”.
34. Alaska Purchase negotiator : SEWARD
William H. Seward was the Governor of New York, and then Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. On the night that President Lincoln was assassinated, the plan was to kill Vice President Johnson and Secretary Seward as well. The attack on Johnson never took place, but Seward was stabbed several times in the face and neck as he lay in bed. Seward survived, and continued to serve as Secretary of State in President Johnson’s administration. Two years later, Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia.
Alaska was never a profitable colony for Russia, so the empire was probably glad to receive the $7.2 million forked out by the US in 1867. The US military ran Alaska for a while, until it was made into a territory in 1884.
36. Skunk, e.g. : FUR
Apparently the fur industry even used the pelts of skunks for clothing. It’s not a great choice, as the original black sheen fades to a dull brown with use.
38. Big-screen canine : ASTA
Asta was the wonderful little dog in the superb movie “The Thin Man” starring William Powell and Myrna Loy. In the original story by Dashiell Hammett, Asta was a female Schnauzer, but on screen Asta was played by a wire-haired fox terrier called “Skippy”. Skippy was also the dog in “Bringing up Baby” with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn, the one who kept stealing the dinosaur bone. Skippy retired in 1939, so Asta was played by other dogs in the remainder of “The Thin Man” films.
44. “You’re in danger, tall hill!” : LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN
Lookout Mountain is a plateau located where the states of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee meet. It was the site of a famous battle in the Civil War. Confederate forces were defeated by the Union army led by Maj. Gen Joseph Hooker. I used to live close by Lookout Mountain in fact, just outside Chattanooga …
49. Surname in a Poe tale : USHER
“The Fall of the House of Usher” is perhaps the most famous short story by Edgar Allen Poe, first published in 1839. The story is a Gothic tale, an interview with Robert Usher in his house which literally “falls”, breaks into two and is swallowed up by a lake. Some believe that the story was inspired by events at a real Usher House that once stood on Boston’s Lewis Wharf. When the Usher House was torn down, the bodies of a man and woman were found embracing in a cavity in the cellar, a fact reflected in the story as Robert Usher’s sister is supposedly buried alive in the crypt.
53. Objectivist Rand : AYN
An objectivist in the world of literature and the arts is someone who emphasises objects rather than thoughts or feelings.
Ayn Rand was a Russian-American novelist born Alisa Rosenbaum. Her two best known works are her novels “The Fountainhead” published in 1943 and “Atlas Shrugged” in 1957. Back in 1951, Rand moved from Los Angeles to New York City. Soon after, she gathered a group of admirers around her with whom she discussed philosophy and shared drafts of her magnum opus, “Atlas Shrugged”. This group called itself “The Collective”, and one of the founding members was none other than future Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan.
59. Before, to Byron : ERE
George Gordon Byron, known simply as “Lord Byron”, was an English poet active in the early 1800s. He was equally as famous for his poetry as he was for the wild excesses in his personal life. He lived much of his life outside of England, and fought for revolutionaries in both Italy and Greece, and died from a fever contracted while fighting for the Greeks against the Ottomans.
60. Scorecard blemish : BOGEY
The term “Bogey” originated at the Great Yarmouth Golf Club in England in 1890, and was used to indicate a total round that was one over par (and not one over par on a particular hole, as it is today). The name Bogey came from a music hall song of the time “Here Comes the Bogey Man”. In the following years it became popular for players trying to stay at par to be “playing against Colonel Bogey”. Then, during WWI, the marching tune “Colonel Bogey” was written and named after the golfing term. If you don’t recognize the name of the tune, it’s the one that’s whistled by the soldiers marching in the great movie “The Bridge on the River Kwai”.
67. Sticky seedcase : BUR
The hook-and-loop fastener we now call Velcro was invented in 1941 by Georges de Mestral, a Swiss engineer. He noticed that the seeds of the burdock plant (burrs or burs) stuck to his clothes. Under the microscope he found hooks on the burrs, grabbing hold of loops in his clothing. After years of development, he came up with a way of simulating the natural hook using man-made materials.
68. Explorer Richard Byrd’s plane : AMERICA
Rear Admiral Richard Byrd was an officer in the US Navy, famous as an aviator and explorer of the polar regions. Byrd was the first person to cross the South Pole by air, in 1929. Three years earlier, Byrd claimed he had flown over the North Pole, and would have been the first person to have done so if this was true. But whether or not Byrd actually made it over the North Pole continues to be the subject of much debate.
71. Make nonsensical notes? : SCAT
Scat singing is a vocal improvisation found in the world of jazz. There aren’t any words as such, just random nonsense syllables made up on the spot.
80. D.C.-based news source : NPR
National Public Radio (now just called NPR) was launched in 1970, after President Johnson signed into law the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967. The intent of the act was to provide funding for radio and television broadcasting that wasn’t simply driven by profit. As longtime fan of the state-funded BBC in the UK, I’d have to agree with that intent …
82. Australia’s Lake ___ National Park : EYRE
Lake Eyre is located in the deserts of central Australia, and at 49 feet below sea level, it is the lowest point in the country.
89. Philip with a 1975 best seller on C.I.A. secrets : AGEE
Philip Agee was a CIA case officer who left the agency and then wrote a tell-all book in 1975 about his experiences “Inside the Company”.
90. Sistine Chapel ceiling figure : EVE
The Sistine Chapel, in the Pope’s residence in Rome, takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV who was responsible for restoring the old Capella Magna in the 15th century. It was about a century later (1508-1512) that Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel under the patronage of Pope Julius II.
95. Big name in California wine : MASSON
Paul Masson emigrated to California from the Burgundy region of France. There he became a pioneer in the state’s wine industry, producing his first “champagne” in 1892.
99. Another name for Buddha : GAUTAMA
Siddhārtha Gautama was the original name of the person who became known as the Supreme Buddha and the founder of Buddhism.
109. One of the Bobbsey twins : NAN
The “Bobbsey Twins” series of children’s novels was first written by Edward Stratemeyer in 1904. He used the pseudonym Laura Lee Hope, as did subsequent authors who wrote 72 books in the series between 1904 and 1979.
110. “I read you loud and clear, breakfast meat!” : ROGER BACON (“Roger, bacon!”)
Roger Bacon was a Franciscan friar and English philosopher who lived in the 13th century. He contributed a great deal to the advancement of science was one of the earliest advocates of the modern scientific method.
115. Pop singer Lopez : TRINI
Trini Lopez is a noted singer and guitarist from Dallas, Texas. He is perhaps best known for his international hit “If I Had a Hammer” from 1963, as well as “Lemon Tree” from 1965.
121. Manicurist’s aid : EMERY
Emery is a very hard type of rock that is crushed for use as an abrasive. Emery paper is made by gluing small particles of emery to paper. Emery boards are just emery paper with a cardboard backing. And emery boards are primarily used for filing nails.
3. Diesel engine manufacturer : ISUZU
Isuzu is a Japanese auto manufacturer, very successful in the medium and heavy truck market in particular. You’ll be seeing fewer and fewer Isuzu passenger cars on American roads though, as the company exited the US passenger car market in 2008.
7. Athlete who wrote “Off the Court” : ASHE
Arthur Ashe was a professional tennis player from Richmond, Virginia. In his youth he found himself having to travel great distances to play against Caucasian opponents due to the segregation that still existed in his home state. He was rewarded for his dedication by being selected for the 1963 US Davis Cup team, the first African America player to be so honored. He continued to run into trouble because of his ethnicity though, and in 1968 was denied entry into South Africa to play in the South African Open. In 1979 Ashe suffered a heart attack and had bypass surgery, with follow-up surgery four years later during which he contracted HIV from blood transfusions. Ashe passed away in 1993, due to complications from AIDS. Shortly afterwards, Ashe was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton.
11. “___ Pearl” (Jackson 5 hit) : MAMA’S
The Jackson 5 hit “Mama’s Pearl” was released in 1971, mainly featuring a young Michael Jackson on vocals. The original name of the song was “Guess Who’s Making Whoopie (With Your Girlfriend)”, but this was changed as it wasn’t deemed appropriate for 13-year-old Michael.
14. Brute of fantasy : ORC
According to Tolkien, Orcs are small humanoids that live in his fantasy world of Middle-earth. They are very ugly and dirty, and are fond of eating human flesh.
16. Kipling poem about Burma : MANDALAY
When Kipling wrote his poem “Mandalay”, the city was the main focus of British colonial rule in Upper Burma. Mandalay had been the capital of Burma in second half of the 19th century.
18. James of “X-Men” films : MARSDEN
The American actor James Marsden used to be a model for Versace. On screen he is known for playing Cyclops in the “X-Men” series of films, and he also played the prince in the charming movie “Enchanted”.
29. Old West gambling game : FARO
Faro is a card game, somewhat akin to Baccarat, that was popular in England and France in the 18th century. It made it to the Old West, where it became a favorite of Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. The origin of the name “Faro” is unclear. One popular theory is that Faro is a contraction of ‘pharaoh’ given that Egyptian motifs used to be common on playing cards of the period. There’s another theory involving the usual suspects: Irish immigrants and famines …
34. “Rugrats” father : STU
“Rugrats” is a cartoon show that aired on Nickelodeon.
36. ___ artist (film crew member) : FOLEY
Foley artists are the people who reproduce everyday sounds in movies, like footsteps, breaking glass, doors opening etc. Foley art was first introduced by Jack Foley in Universal Studio’s 1929 production of “Showboat”.
37. Soprano pineapple and others, briefly : UKES
“Soprano pineapple” is the name given to a small version of the ukulele.
The ukulele originated in the 1800s, and mimicked a small guitar brought to the Hawaiian Islands by Portuguese immigrants.
38. Con ___ (tenderly) : AMORE
“Con amore” is a musical term, a direction to the performer to play a passage or a piece “with tenderness”.
42. Green-skinned god : OSIRIS
Osiris was the Egyptian god of the underworld. He was the son of Geb, the Earth god, and Nut, the sky goddess. His wife, Isis, was also his sister …
43. Old Jewish community : SHTETL
The Yiddish word for “town” is “shtot”, and so “shtetl” is the diminutive form meaning “small town”.
45. “Puss in Boots” figure : OGRE
Charles Perrault was a French author, famous for fairy tales. Most of his stories were based on existing folk tales, including “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella” and “Puss in Boots”. Perrault’s stories have been adapted over the years for the stage and the big screen, including the celebrated ballet “Sleeping Beauty” by Tchaikovsky.
46. Former carrier name : USAIR
From 1953, what today is US Airways was called Allegheny Airlines. In the seventies customers became very dissatisfied with the company’s service levels as it struggled to manage a rapid expansion in its number of flights. These problems earned the airline the nickname “Agony Air”. Allegheny tried to leave the “agony” behind in 1979 and changed its name to USAir. More recently, in 1997, the name was again changed, to US Airways.
48. Acronymic weapon : TASER
Victor Appleton wrote a novel for young adults called “Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle”. The company that developed the TASER electroshock weapon, named their product as a homage to the novel, as TASER stands for Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle. Interesting, eh?
50. “Mr. ___” (1983 Styx hit) : ROBOTO
“Mr Roboto” is a song on the 1983 album “Kilroy Was Here” by the Chicago band Styx.
55. 19th Amendment beneficiaries : WOMEN
The 19th Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits the denial of voting rights to citizens based on sex, and was ratified by the states in 1920. The amendment was first drafted by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1878, but it wasn’t ratified until 1919.
56. Cable network with the motto “Not reality. Actuality.” : TRUTV
truTV is a Turner Broadcasting cable network, launched in 1991 as Court TV. The name was changed to truTV in 2008.
57. Panhellenic Games site : NEMEA
As is well known, the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece were held every four years. The Nemean Games were held both the year before and the year after each Olympic Games. The winners of each event were awarded a wreath of wild celery.
64. Torch bearer : SCONCE
A sconce is a light fixture that today uses electric bulbs, but in the past used candles and torches. The defining feature of a sconce is that it is supported by a wall and does not have a base that stands on the ground. Usually the light is indirect, projected upwards towards the ceiling.
72. Michael of “Juno” : CERA
Michael Cera is a Canadian actor, a very talented young man who is riding high right now. He played great characters in the TV show “Arrested Development”, and the 2007 comedy-drama “Juno”. More recently he played the title role in “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”.
74. Diner of 1970s-’80s TV : MEL’S
The TV sitcom “Alice” ran from 1976 to 1985, a story about a widow named Alice who takes a job at Mel’s Diner. The show was based on a very successful 1974 movie called “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore” directed by Martin Scorsese (his first Hollywood production) and starring Ellen Burstyn and Kris Kristofferson.
80. Fictional island in two Alistair MacLean novels : NAVARONE
The Scottish author Alistair McClean wrote two thrilling WWII novels featuring the fictional island of Navarone, namely “The Guns of Navarone” and “Force 10 from Navarone”. Both books were made into movies, the best of which was 1961’s “The Guns of Navarone” which had a stellar cast, led by Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn.
81. Augurs : PRESAGES
The verb “augur” means to “bode”, to “serve as an omen”. The word comes from the name of religious officials in Ancient Rome, augurs, whose job it was to interpret signs and omens.
85. Situated at the thigh : FEMORAL
The thigh bone, the femur, is the longest and the largest bone in the human body.
87. A, in Arnstadt : EIN
The city of Arnstadt is in the west of Germany. Johann Sebastien Bach began his career in and around the city, and it was there that he is thought to have composed his famous “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor”.
94. Person of Perth : AUSSIE
Perth is the capital city of Western Australia. Perth earned itself the nickname of “City of Light” in 1962 as the virtually all the town’s lights were turned on at full power when astronaut John Glenn passed overhead in earth orbit in Friendship 7, so that he could see the city below. The city gave a repeat performance for Glenn in 1998 when he passed overhead in the Space Shuttle in 1998.
97. Runcible spoon feature : PRONG
“Runcible” is a nonsense word created by Edward Lear. He used it in a number of different works, most famously in the poem “The Owl and the Pussycat”, as the “runcible spoon”. Nowadays we use the term “runcible spoon” to describe a spoon-shaped fork with three tines and a cutting edge, like a pickle fork.
98. Banks known as Mr. Cub : ERNIE
First baseman Ernie Banks was known as “Mr. Cub”, and played his entire 19-year professional career with Chicago Cubs.
99. Wayne’s pal in “Wayne’s World” : GARTH
“Wayne’s World” was a Saturday Night Live sketch starring Mike Myers (as Wayne) and Dana Carvey. The sketch was so successful it was parlayed into two hit movies, in 1992 and 1993. Not my cup of tea …
100. Fish : ANGLE
Fishing has also been called “angling” since the mid-1600’s. The term arose from the Old English word “angel”, which meant both an “angle” and a “hook”.
101. TV host with “New Rules” : MAHER
“New Rules” is a regular segment on the HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher”.
106. Home of Hallvard’s ruined cathedral : OSLO
Hallvard’s Cathedral was built in Oslo, Norway in the first half of the 12th century. In the 1600s, much of Oslo was destroyed in a great fire and so King Christian IV decided to move the city and have it rebuilt a few miles to west. A new cathedral was built, and the old Hallvard’s Cathedral, which was still standing after the fire, fell into disrepair and became a ruin.
107. Life saver? : NOAH
Genesis 6:19-20 states that Noah was instructed to take two animals of every kind into the ark. Later, in Genesis 7:2-3, Noah was instructed to take on board “every clean animal by sevens … male and female, to keep offspring alive on the face of all the earth”. Apparently “extras” (7 rather than 2) were needed for ritual sacrifice.
108. Vivacity : BRIO
Brio is borrowed from Italian, in which language it means vigor and vivacity. “Con brio” is a musical direction often found on a score, instructing the musicians to play “with energy, vigor”.
For the sake of completion, here is a full listing of all the answers:
1. Nursery sounds : WAILS
6. Bates’s “Misery” co-star : CAAN
10. Compadre : AMIGO
15. Having more than one band : AM/FM
19. Weapon, e.g., in military-speak : ASSET
20. Regarding : AS TO
21. Something well-preserved? : WATER
22. ___ avis : RARA
23. “I’ve heard enough, retail outlet!” : SHUT UP SHOP
25. “I agree completely, dog-eared bit of paper!” : AMEN CORNER
27. What you might get by moving a head? : PEZ
28. “Stop right where you are, picture holder!” : FREEZE-FRAME
30. “One if by land, two if by sea” and others : CODES
31. Extinguished, with “out” : SNUFFED
33. Spots before your eyes? : ADS
34. Alaska Purchase negotiator : SEWARD
35. Symbol of royalty in old Egypt : ASP
36. Skunk, e.g. : FUR
38. Big-screen canine : ASTA
40. Jeans brand : LEE
41. The majority : MOST
44. “You’re in danger, tall hill!” : LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN
49. Surname in a Poe tale : USHER
51. Check out : OGLE
52. Like racehorses : SHOD
53. Objectivist Rand : AYN
54. “The chair doesn’t recognize you, steakhouse and chophouse!” : SIT-DOWN RESTAURANTS
59. Before, to Byron : ERE
60. Scorecard blemish : BOGEY
61. Lift provider : RIDE
62. Vessels with spouts : EWERS
65. Light TV fare : SITCOMS
67. Sticky seedcase : BUR
68. Explorer Richard Byrd’s plane : AMERICA
70. Writing surface : SLATE
71. Make nonsensical notes? : SCAT
73. Roast V.I.P. : EMCEE
75. Work in the field : SOW
76. “I’d be miserable without you, tapestry!” : DON’T LEAVE ME HANGING
80. D.C.-based news source : NPR
82. Australia’s Lake ___ National Park : EYRE
83. See 93-Across : ABLE
84. Inasmuch as : SINCE
85. “Goodbye, place I used to live!” : FAREWELL ADDRESS
89. Philip with a 1975 best seller on C.I.A. secrets : AGEE
90. Sistine Chapel ceiling figure : EVE
91. Like many sunscreens : OILY
92. Cessation : END
93. Is 83-Across : CAN
95. Big name in California wine : MASSON
97. Endorser’s need : PEN
99. Another name for Buddha : GAUTAMA
103. Speak for everyone in the room : ORATE
104. “Just keep doing what you’re doing, suitcases!” : CARRY-ON BAGS
109. One of the Bobbsey twins : NAN
110. “I read you loud and clear, breakfast meat!” : ROGER BACON
112. “It was all my fault, gun attachment!” : SORRY SIGHT
114. Over again : ANEW
115. Pop singer Lopez : TRINI
116. Addition to café : LAIT
117. Keys in a chain : ISLES
118. Amount that’s settled for : LESS
119. Caddie’s offering : WEDGE
120. “This looks like trouble!” : OH OH
121. Manicurist’s aid : EMERY
1. Some nest builders : WASPS
2. Lacking color : ASHEN
3. Diesel engine manufacturer : ISUZU
4. Rented out : LET
5. Packs : STUFFS
6. Checked out before robbing : CASED
7. Athlete who wrote “Off the Court” : ASHE
8. Complete : A TO Z
9. “You’re mistaken” : NOPE
10. Certificate on a wall, maybe : AWARD
11. “___ Pearl” (Jackson 5 hit) : MAMA’S
12. Gossip subject : ITEM
13. One that’s passed along : GENE
14. Brute of fantasy : ORC
15. Sign symbol : ARROW
16. Kipling poem about Burma : MANDALAY
17. Lack of constraints : FREE REIN
18. James of “X-Men” films : MARSDEN
24. Lay the groundwork : PREP
26. Great body : OCEAN
29. Old West gambling game : FARO
32. Inevitable : FATED
34. “Rugrats” father : STU
36. ___ artist (film crew member) : FOLEY
37. Soprano pineapple and others, briefly : UKES
38. Con ___ (tenderly) : AMORE
39. Something that shouldn’t be flat : SODA
41. Patrons of the arts : MUSES
42. Green-skinned god : OSIRIS
43. Old Jewish community : SHTETL
44. Pines : LONGS
45. “Puss in Boots” figure : OGRE
46. Former carrier name : USAIR
47. Land heavily : THUD
48. Acronymic weapon : TASER
50. “Mr. ___” (1983 Styx hit) : ROBOTO
55. 19th Amendment beneficiaries : WOMEN
56. Cable network with the motto “Not reality. Actuality.” : TRUTV
57. Panhellenic Games site : NEMEA
58. Elementary school grads, typically : TWEENS
63. Ascendant : RISING
64. Torch bearer : SCONCE
66. Key group : CADRE
67. Objected to a shearing, possibly : BAAED
68. Pines : ACHES
69. “Shucks!” : AW GEE
71. With deviousness : SLYLY
72. Michael of “Juno” : CERA
73. Lodge : EMBED
74. Diner of 1970s-’80s TV : MEL’S
77. Giveaway at the poker table : TELL
78. Make : EARN
79. Not just big : GIANT
80. Fictional island in two Alistair MacLean novels : NAVARONE
81. Augurs : PRESAGES
85. Situated at the thigh : FEMORAL
86. Bearer of a dozen roses, maybe : WOOER
87. A, in Arnstadt : EIN
88. Turn down : DENY
93. Showing deviousness : CAGY
94. Person of Perth : AUSSIE
96. Nurses old grudges, say : STEWS
97. Runcible spoon feature : PRONG
98. Banks known as Mr. Cub : ERNIE
99. Wayne’s pal in “Wayne’s World” : GARTH
100. Fish : ANGLE
101. TV host with “New Rules” : MAHER
102. Unable to relax : ANTSY
104. Serious attention : CARE
105. Lemon juice, e.g. : ACID
106. Home of Hallvard’s ruined cathedral : OSLO
107. Life saver? : NOAH
108. Vivacity : BRIO
111. “Incidentally,” in chat rooms : BTW
113. Philosophy suffix : ISM
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