Constructed by: Finn Vigeland
Edited by: Will Shortz
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… syndicated NY Times crossword
Today’s Theme: None
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Bill’s time: Did not finish!
Bill’s errors: Missing 4-5 answers in the top-left after 60 minutes
Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies
6. Kind of system in which 64 is 100 : OCTAL
The decimal number 64 is represented by 100 in the octal base 8.
18. ___ Panza, sidekick of Don Quixote : SANCHO
Sancho Panza is Don Quixote’s squire, a character who spouts out humorous comments called “sanchismos”.
20. ⬅ ÷ 40 : ONE HALF
That arrow is pointing at the number 20.
25. Adjective on Tex-Mex menus : ASADA
The name of the dish called “carne asada” translates from Spanish as “roasted meat”.
26. “Seriez” is a form of it : ETRE
“Vous seriez” is French for “you would be”.
28. Things with microgrooves : LPS
The first vinyl records designed to play at 33⅓ rpm were introduced by RCA Victor in 1931, but were discontinued due to quality problems. The first long play (LP) 33⅓ rpm disc was introduced by Columbia Records many years later in 1948, with RCA Victor following up with a 45 rpm “single” the following year, in 1949.
29. Winner of the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama : LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA
Lin-Manuel Miranda is the creator and star of the hit Broadway musicals “Hamilton” and “In the Heights”.
39. Backdrop to AMC’s “The Walking Dead” : ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE
“The Walking Dead” is a horror television show that is made by AMC that is based on a comic book series of the same name. There are lots of flesh-eating zombies featured, so I won’t be caught “dead” watching it …
A zombie is a corpse that has been brought back to life by some mystical means. Our modern use of the term largely stems from the undead creatures featured in the 1968 horror movie called “Night of the Living Dead”. Now that film I haven’t seen, and probably never will …
41. Letters on some bulletproof vests : SWAT
SWAT is an acronym standing for Special Weapons and Tactics. The first SWAT team was pulled together in the Los Angeles Police Department in 1968.
45. Big name in mops : SWIFFER
Swiffer is a brand of cleaning products introduced by Procter & Gamble in 1999. The mainstays of the Swiffer cleaning system are the Swiffer WetJet mop and the Swiffer Sweeper.
50. One of a kind : RARA AVIS
A “rara avis” is anything that is very rare. The Latin term translates as “rare bird”.
54. Beer pong receptacle : SOLO CUP
The Solo Cup was introduced in 1930, and was the creation of a former employee of the Dixie Company. The first Solo Cup was a paper cone that founder Leo Hulseman made at home and sold to companies that distributed bottled water. Apparently, Solo’s red plastic cup sell very well, and are used by college students playing beer pong.
The game of beer pong is also known as “Beirut”. Beer pong apparently originated as a drinking game in the fraternities of Dartmouth College in the fifties, when it was played with paddles and a ping pong net on a table. The origin of the “Beirut” name is less clear, but it probably was coined in while the Lebanese Civil War was raging in late seventies and the eighties.
58. Wife in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Tender Is the Night” : NICOLE
“Tender Is the Night” is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that was adapted into a 1962 film starring Jennifer Jones, Jason Robards and Joan Fontaine.
2. Mounts with a little white on top? : ROANS
A roan horse has an even mixture of white and colored hairs on the body with the head, lower legs, mane and tail having a more solid color.
3. French novelist/dramatist associated with the Theater of the Absurd : GENET
“Theater of the Absurd” was a literary movement popular mainly in Europe from the forties through the eighties. Adherents to the style were inspired by Albert Camus’ Philosophy of the Absurd, which stated that the search for meaning and truth was absurd. Playwrights associated with the movement were Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter and Edward Albee. I am not a big fan, not a fan at all …
4. Dried chili pepper on Tex-Mex menus : ANCHO
An “ancho” is a dried poblano pepper. The poblano is a relatively mild chili.
8. Home to Rodin’s “The Kiss,” with “the” : TATE
“The Kiss” is a beautiful sculpture created in 1889 by Auguste Rodin. I’ve had the privilege of standing beside a large, life-size marble version of the work on a few occasions in the Rodin Museum, my favorite of all museums in Paris. The Musée Rodin is very special in that the building and garden that hold all of the works were Rodin’s actual home and studio. Well worth a visit if you make it to Paris …
11. Oenophile’s criterion : AROMA
In Greek mythology, Oeno was the goddess of wine, giving us “oeno-” as a prefix meaning “wine”. For example, oenology is the study of wine and an oenophile is a wine-lover.
17. Region near Mount Olympus : THESSALY
The region of Greece known as Thessaly used to be called Aeolia, and appears in Homer’s “Odyssey” under that name.
Mount Olympus is the highest peak in Greece. In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was home to the gods, and in particular home to the principal gods known as the Twelve Olympians.
21. Bauhaus-influenced typeface : FUTURA
The literal translation to the term “Bauhaus” is “House of Building”. It was a school (i.e. education establishment) that operated from 1919 to 1933. It became famous for its approach to design across many disciplines, everything from art to typography.
28. Celebratory round : LIBATIONS
Back in the 14th century libation was the pouring of wine in the honor of a god. The term comes from the Latin word “libare”, which basically means the same thing. Nowadays we tend to use “libation” as a somewhat ornate word for a drink.
29. Tracy and Jenna’s boss on “30 Rock” : LIZ
“30 Rock” is a sitcom on NBC that was created by the show’s star Tina Fey. Fey is an ex-performer and writer from “Saturday Night Live” and uses her experiences on that show as a basis for the “30 Rock” storyline. Fey plays Liz Lemon, the head writer for the fictional sketch comedy series “TGS with Tracy Jordan”.
30. Odysseus’ rescuer : INO
Ino was a mortal queen of Thebes through her marriage to King Athamas. In Greek mythology, Ino became the goddess Leukothea after her death. As Leukothea she provided divine aid to Odysseus, according to Homer’s “Odyssey”. She provided Odysseus with a magical veil that he used to escape from Poseidon.
34. Colorful birds : MACAWS
Macaws are beautifully colored birds of native to Central and South America, and are actually a type of parrot. Most species of macaw are now endangered, with several having become extinct in recent decades. The main threats are deforestation and illegal trapping and trafficking of exotic birds.
36. Letters that come before AA? : DTS
The episodes of delirium that can accompany withdrawal from alcohol are called delirium tremens (the DTs). The literal translation of this Latin phrase is “trembling madness”.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in 1935, by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio. As the organization grew, the guiding principles established by the founders were formatted into a 12-step program that was in place by the forties.
43. “Manners require time, as nothing is more vulgar than ___”: Ralph Waldo Emerson : HASTE
Ralph Waldo Emerson was an essayist and poet who was active in the mid-1800s. Most of the essays that Emerson wrote were composed originally as lectures and then revised for print. He is often referred to as “The Sage of Concord”, as Emerson spent much of his life in Concord, Massachusetts.
44. ___ the Hittite, soldier in King David’s army : URIAH
Uriah the Hittite was a soldier mentioned in the Bible, a soldier in the army of King David. Uriah was married to Bathsheba with whom King David had an affair. David had Uriah killed and then took Bathsheba as his wife. Bathsheba and David became the parents of Solomon who succeeded David as king.
46. Popped (out) : FLIED
That would be baseball.
48. C.D.C. concern : E COLI
Escherichia coli (E. coli) are usually harmless bacteria found in the human gut, working away quite happily. However, there are some strains that can produce lethal toxins. These strains can make their way into the food chain from animal fecal matter that comes into contact with food designated for human consumption.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is based in Atlanta, Georgia. The CDC started out life during WWII as the Office of National Defense Malaria Control Activities. The CDC worries about much more than malaria these days …
51. Burrowing animal : VOLE
Vole populations can really increase rapidly. Mama vole is pregnant for just three weeks before giving birth to litters of 5-10 baby voles. Then the young voles become sexually mature in just one month! If you have one pregnant vole in your yard, within a year you could have over a hundred of the little critters.
52. Pompeii’s Temple of ___ : ISIS
The ancient city of Pompeii is situated close to Naples in Italy. Pompeii was destroyed in AD 79 by the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius. The city was completely lost from that time, and was only rediscovered in 1748. Excavations have uncovered the remarkably well-preserved buildings and roads, and Pompeii now attracts over 2 million visitors annually.
57. Shortest Magic 8 Ball response : YES
The Magic 8-Ball is a toy, and supposedly a fortune-telling device, introduced by Mattel in 1946. There are 20 answers that the Magic 8-Ball can provide, including:
- Without a doubt
- Ask again later
- My sources say no
- Outlook not so good
- Signs point to yes
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Complete List of Clues/Answers
1. Player in a baseball stadium : ORGAN
6. Kind of system in which 64 is 100 : OCTAL
11. “Hold on ___!” : A MO
14. “Serial” podcast host Sarah : KOENIG
16. “Far out!” : WHAT A TRIP!
18. ___ Panza, sidekick of Don Quixote : SANCHO
19. Not go out to dinner : EAT AT HOME
20. ⬅ ÷ 40 : ONE HALF
22. Jesus, with “the” : REDEEMER
23. Went to bat (for) : STOOD UP
25. Adjective on Tex-Mex menus : ASADA
26. “Seriez” is a form of it : ETRE
28. Things with microgrooves : LPS
29. Winner of the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama : LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA
38. Almost certainly : IN ALL PROBABILITY
39. Backdrop to AMC’s “The Walking Dead” : ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE
40. Remote area? : DEN
41. Letters on some bulletproof vests : SWAT
42. Mass-produce, with “out” : CHURN
45. Big name in mops : SWIFFER
50. One of a kind : RARA AVIS
54. Beer pong receptacle : SOLO CUP
56. Seemingly expressing : AS IF TO SAY
58. Wife in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Tender Is the Night” : NICOLE
59. Fugitive’s destination, maybe : STATE LINE
60. Painter’s undercoat : SEALER
61. Sly chuckle : HEH
62. Newspaper divisions : DESKS
63. Group of near nobodies : D-LIST
1. “Your point being …?” : OK SO …
2. Mounts with a little white on top? : ROANS
3. French novelist/dramatist associated with the Theater of the Absurd : GENET
4. Dried chili pepper on Tex-Mex menus : ANCHO
5. Greeting in Guangzhou : NI HAO
6. Fall behind : OWE
7. Scorch : CHAR
8. Home to Rodin’s “The Kiss,” with “the” : TATE
9. Slightly : A TAD
10. When Taurus begins : LATE APRIL
11. Oenophile’s criterion : AROMA
12. Copied : MIMED
13. Word with space or rock : … OPERA
15. British writing award : GOLDEN PEN
17. Region near Mount Olympus : THESSALY
21. Bauhaus-influenced typeface : FUTURA
24. Hospital sections, for short : PRE-OPS
27. Nudges : ELBOWS
28. Celebratory round : LIBATIONS
29. Tracy and Jenna’s boss on “30 Rock” : LIZ
30. Odysseus’ rescuer : INO
31. Marvel series depicting the Tet Offensive, with “The” : NAM
32. Annual June sports event, informally : MLB DRAFT
33. Cut off : ALIENATED
34. Colorful birds : MACAWS
35. Bite : NIP
36. Letters that come before AA? : DTS
37. House call? : AYE
42. Not stay awake any longer : CRASH
43. “Manners require time, as nothing is more vulgar than ___”: Ralph Waldo Emerson : HASTE
44. ___ the Hittite, soldier in King David’s army : URIAH
46. Popped (out) : FLIED
47. Main : FOCAL
48. C.D.C. concern : E COLI
49. Game sheet : RULES
51. Burrowing animal : VOLE
52. Pompeii’s Temple of ___ : ISIS
53. Made, as a putt : SANK
55. Fresh : PERT
57. Shortest Magic 8 Ball response : YES
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22 thoughts on “0210-18 NY Times Crossword Answers 10 Feb 2018, Saturday”
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39:42 after getting the “almost there” message and using Google to find and fix a one-square error: I had “OH, SO?” instead of “OK, SO?” for 1D, giving me “HOENIG” (from “HÖNIG”, meaning “honey”) instead of “KOENIG” (from “KÖNIG”, meaning “king”) for Ms. Sarah’s last name (for me, a Natick). Educated guesses had given me “LIZ”, “INO”, “ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE”, “FLIED”, and “NICOLE”, however. A rough puzzle!
47:57 and I actually finished this one. I thought I’d see Bill and Dave with their customary 10 minute Saturday solves, but wow…
In retrospect I had a lot of good guessing and a little luck. Upper left I knew ANCHO, ROAN, SANCHO, ONEHALF right away. I got the K of OKSO/KOENIG through trial and error. ORGAN and STOODUP I figured out. Also got ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE right away. I’ve never seen the show, but I’ve seen the commercials for it.
“crank” out before CHURN out slowed me a bit among other missteps.
Hardest for me was getting LIN MANUEL MIRANDA via crosses as I’ve never heard of him. After reading up on him, apparently I’m the only one who’s never heard of him….
Best –
21:05 Ome of those days where everything fell into place. Listening to a ridiculous number of podcasts finally paid off as I got KOENIG right away. Like Jeff I got ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE right away. That got me THESSALY just off the Y. Everything else was pretty smooth sailing. Defintiely rare on a Saturday for me.
These posts are so smug! Pat yourselves on the head!
How many of u guys solve the puzzles without using any outside sources?
It’s more challenging to use ur brain alone. It takes me longer but way more satisfying ?
@Alex …
I can’t speak for others, but … My goal is to solve the puzzles with no outside help whatsover … and that’s what usually happens. If anything else does happen (like, on this one), I report it. That said, I would point out that I occasionally encounter intersecting entries that are totally outside my knowledge base, in which case I guess at one of the possible ways of finishing the puzzle. And, sometimes, I guess wrong. In such a case, as a last resort, I prefer to research the answer for myself instead of consulting an answer key such as the one published here. (I learn more that way.)
I always do. If I have to look up *anything*, I have to declare it DNF. You either know it, figure it out, or you guess (and accept the possible wrong answers). There’s no other way to do it.
@Alex: I am in the mindset as @Dave, @Allen and several other posters on this blog. When I first started doing these NYT puzzles regularly, Googling the answer helped me learn, and I considered it a viable method for finishing the puzzle. After a year or so, I upped the challenge, and no longer consider looking up an answer to be part of the solution. If I can’t finish, then I don’t finish, and will post here as a DNF. Since I solve with pencil and paper, I don’t get the ‘almost there’ assist if I have any errors, so I am done when I decide I am done; if I have any errors I will post them here as well. From my perspective, posting my DNF’s, errors and slow times will show others that not everyone who posts here is a wizard; some of us just enjoy the challenges thrown at us by the NYT crew, and do our level best. I hope that encourages others to post here as well, and keep this blog as active as it deserves to be.
I’m with you on this point, Alex. Even the “almost there” message online is sort of cheating, in my very conservative view. I use pen on paper. As a result, sometimes the grid is almost impossible to read. I’d rather not finish than use anything but my little grey cells. However, the point is (a) to have fun and (b) to learn things. OK, two points.
WoW, ‘never thought I’d see like:
“Bill’s time: Did not finish!
Bill’s errors: Missing 4-5 answers in the top-left after 60 minutes”
In the top-left, I did start with ORGAN for 1A, later changed that to ELVIS to enable ERGO for 1D; then finally pleased to have gotten ONE-HALF days later, I resorted here to The Redeemer: BButler.
Hold on AMO? Who says that? Other than that not too bad. I was very pleased with myself on getting the thee grid spanners.
You probably know this, but “hold on a ‘mo” is a Britishism for “wait a moment”. The setter probably just wanted to avoid one more use of “First of a Latin 101 trio” (or some such) … ?
29 across is “Manual” but 24 down is “preops.”
29A refers to “Lin-Manuel Miranda” (a Spanish name) and 24D refers to “pre-ops”; there really is an “E” at the intersection, and there should be. Or have I misunderstood your point?
~28 minutes, and DNF: 15 unfilled, or incorrect. The top left also was my main Achilles heel, along with the 29D/29A and 30D being incorrect. (I had DON MANUEL MIRANDA as a guess). Made a bit of a mess in the lower right corner too, not seeing SOLO CUP and SWIFFER…
That top left quadrant was a real BITCH. Starting with 1A: I’m wondering, “What team name fits in 5 letters: Giant, Brave, Astro, what??” Evil, *evil* clue. Then you’ve got names of podcast hosts, which can be **anything**, obscure literary references, and another cynical clue for 2D (roans are usually more synonymous with reddish color, not white; and many types of horses have the white patch of hair on their foreheads).
And the rest of the puzzle wasn’t that much easier. The grid-spanning center fills all took some sorting out, with the exception of ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, which proved an early “gift”.
This one was brutal, but not that much trickery (1A excepted). Misery loves company, so it was nice to see Bill also swirl down the same drain I did, for probably will be his only DNF this year.
35:44, 5 errors: O(H) SO; G(A)NET; (H)O(A)NIG; (E)NO; L(E)N. Extremely difficult slog. Even though I got the entry correct for 20A, dividing the clue number by the clue was just diabolical; had no idea how this was the correct answer until I came here.
Saturday’s not been my day for a while, but I take some consolation in getting a pretty good share of it without cheats, while “finishing” with them.
Dave, I always enjoy your posts; have one small quibble this time, tho — the German for honey is Honig, no umlaut, so it wouldn’t be written with an “oe.” Maybe that might save some future grief. (If you even get to see this at this late date.)
@Sandra … Thank you! (And I should have known better than to depend on my failing memory … ?)
My own made-up rules are that I can’t look anything up but I can ask anyone else I want, so long as they do not look it up. It turns out to be pretty fun that way, and my family members and friends will sometimes get random texts from me with a clue and as much of the answer as I have figured out. I could not have solved today’s without some timely help from my oldest son Trent and his girlfriend Emily. I usually only need that kind of help on Fri-Sun.
62 minutes, 2 errors (1 dumb). The non-dumb one was a Natick at 50A-51D. I had MOLE instead, which was a reasonable answer to the down clue as well. Especially not knowing the across part.
@Alex Sinclair
There’s no point in solving these puzzles if I am just going to look things. If I correct a puzzle or look something up from outside sources, it’s a DNF. Other than that, I wrote a longer blog post about your question.
The arrow in 20-across did not render in the Baltimore Sun (which runs the NYT puzzle daily, a little over a month behind its original appearance). So all I saw was “[divided by sign] 40”. That made it really hard. But eventually I figured it had to be “onehalf” based on the stuff around it and shrugged my shoulders. I finally completed it, but like someone above I guessed “Oh so” and “Hoenig” rather than “OK so” and “Koenig”. Didn’t know Genet or Nihao but they were the only things that seemed to fit. Took a long time but I got everything right but that first letter of 14-A. Pretty proud of myself, and a good way to spend an afternoon while snowed in.