Solution to today’s crossword in the New York Times
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Today’s Wiki-est, Amazonian Googlies
9. New England staple : SCROD
Scrod is the name given to fish that has been “scrawed” i.e. split open, dried and then broiled.
16. Brand with a “PM” variety : ALEVE
Aleve is a brand name used for the anti-inflammatory drug Naproxen sodium.
18. Strength : SINEW
Sinew is another name for a tendon. Tendons are bands of collagen that connect muscle to bone. Tendons are similar to ligaments and fasciae, which are also connective tissue made out of collagen, but ligaments join bone to bone, and fasciae connect muscle to muscle. We also use the term “sinew” to mean muscular power.
19. Loyal subject : LIEGE
A liege was a feudal lord, one to whom service or allegiance was owed under feudal law. “Liege” was also the term used for one who owed allegiance or service to a lord. Very confusing …
25. Prince George’s mom : KATE
The British laws of royal succession changed in 2013. The centuries old law dictated that males in a family were ranked higher than all females, regardless of age. The current line of sccession is:
- Prince Charles (Elizabeth’s eldest son)
- Prince William (Charles’ eldest son)
- Prince George (William’s eldest child)
- Princess Charlotte (William’s second-oldest child)
- Prince Harry (Charles’ second-oldest son)
Under the old system, should Prince William have another son, then that male would have bumped Princess Charlotte down one rung of the ladder. Under the new system, Princess Charlotte gets to “hold her ground”.
31. Title nickname of filmdom’s Lt. Jordan O’Neil : GI JANE
G.I. Joe was the original “action figure”, the first toy to carry that description. G.I. Joe first hit the shelves in 1964. There have been a few movies based on the G.I. Joe figure, but, more famous than all of them I would say is the 1997 movie “G.I. Jane” starring Demi Moore in the title role. I thought that “G.I. Jane” had some potential, to be honest, but it really did not deliver in the end.
39. Antipiracy grp. : FBI
What we know today as the FBI was set up in 1908 as the BOI, the Bureau of Investigation. The name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935. The Bureau was set up at the behest of President Theodore Roosevelt. President Roosevelt was largely moved to do so after the 1901 assassination of President McKinley, as there was a perception that anarchists were threatening law and order. The FBI’s motto uses the organization’s initialism, and is “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity”.
48. They click : MICE
The first computer mouse was invented at the Stanford Research Institute in 1963, by one Douglas Engelbart. Sadly for him, his patent ran out before mice became standard equipment on computers, so he never made any money from his amazing invention.
49. Barbershop part : TENOR
Barbershop music is played in the a cappella style, meaning that it is unaccompanied vocal music. Barbershop music originated in the African American communities in the South, as gospel quartets often gathered in neighborhood barber shops to sing together.
51. Transcription product : RNA
The two most common nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), both of which play crucial roles in genetics. The DNA contains the genetic instructions used to keep living organisms functioning, and RNA is used to transcribe that information from the DNA to protein “generators” called ribosomes.
54. Exploits : DERRING-DO
As one might expect, “derring-do” (plural is “derrings-do”) comes from the phrase “daring to do”, which back in the 14th century was written as “dorrying don”.
58. When to wish someone un prospero año nuevo : ENERO
In Spanish, one wishes someone “un prospero año nuevo” (a happy new year) in “enero” (January).
5. Cousin of Manx : ERSE
There are actually three Erse languages: Irish, Manx (spoken on the Isle of Man) and Scots Gaelic. In their own tongues, these would be Gaeilge (in Ireland), Gaelg (on the Isle of Man) and Gaidhlig (in Scotland).
7. Beam’s path? : EAR TO EAR
That would be a beaming smile, from ear to ear.
9. Aid for an ed. : SASE
An SAE is a “stamped, addressed envelope”. An SASE is a “self-addressed, stamped envelope”.
11. Dollar, for one : RENT-A-CAR
Dollar Rent A Car was founded in 1965. Chrysler acquired the company in 1990 and merged it with Thrifty Car Rental, which Chrysler had purchased a year earlier.
15. Diocesan assembly : SYNOD
The word synod comes from the Greek word for assembly, or meeting. A synod is a church council, usually in the Christian faith.
In some Christian traditions, a district under the control of a bishop is called a diocese, bishopric or see. Dioceses are in turn divided into parishes that are under the control of priests. A particularly significant diocese might be called an archdiocese, and falls under the control of an archbishop.
24. Desi Arnaz Jr. was on its first cover : TV GUIDE
The first national “TV Guide” was issued in 1953. The cover of that first issue featured a photo of newborn Desi Arnaz, Jr., son of Lucille Ball.
27. It has a chilling effect : FREON
Freon is a DuPont trade name for a group of compounds used as a refrigerant and also as a propellant in aerosols. Freon is used in the compressors of air conditioners as a vital component in the air-cooling mechanism. Freon used to contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which had a devastating effect on the Earth’s ozone layer. Use of CFCs is now banned, or at least severely restricted.
28. “That makes two of us” : DITTO
“Ditto” was originally used in Italian (from Tuscan dialect) to avoid repetition of the names of months in a series of dates. So, “ditto” is just another wonderful import from that lovely land …
30. Danger while drying out : DTS
The episodes of delirium that can accompany withdrawal from alcohol are called Delirium Tremens (the DTs). The literal translation of this Latin phrase is “trembling madness”.
32. ___ d’orange : JUS
“Jus d’orange” is French for “orange juice”.
48. Shepherd’s home : MANSE
A manse is a minister’s home in various Christian traditions. “Manse” derives from “mansus”, the Latin for “dwelling”. The term can also be used for any stately residence.
For the sake of completion, here is a full listing of all the answers:
1. Was almost, with “on” : BORDERED
9. New England staple : SCROD
14. Owing : IN ARREARS
16. Brand with a “PM” variety : ALEVE
17. “Bow your heads …” : LET US PRAY …
18. Strength : SINEW
19. Loyal subject : LIEGE
20. Can : TIN
21. Hacker’s success : ENTRY
22. Things are unlikely when they are long : ODDS
23. Prohibition’s beginning : DO NOT …
25. Prince George’s mom : KATE
26. Day spa treatment : WAX
27. Many a promotional media giveaway : FREE DVD
29. Not as shy as one might think : COY
30. Bad feeling : DREAD
31. Title nickname of filmdom’s Lt. Jordan O’Neil : GI JANE
33. Raising hell : ON A TEAR
36. In stitches : SUTURED
37. Prison in which Timothy Leary was housed next to Charles Manson : FOLSOM
38. Asks a loaded question, say : BAITS
39. Antipiracy grp. : FBI
40. “Ain’t gonna happen” : NO CAN DO
42. Lame : SAD
45. One may make tracks : SLED
47. Alternative to a “Psst!” : NUDGE
48. They click : MICE
49. Barbershop part : TENOR
51. Transcription product : RNA
52. “Silence is golden,” e.g. : MAXIM
53. Floor : AMAZE
54. Exploits : DERRING-DO
56. Like some communities : GATED
57. Something to work out in : SWEAT SUIT
58. When to wish someone un prospero año nuevo : ENERO
59. 10 years, for example : SENTENCE
1. Puff out : BILLOW
2. The so-called “People of the Standing Stone” : ONEIDA
3. Like “Last Tango in Paris,” initially : RATED X
4. Therapy group? : DRUGS
5. Cousin of Manx : ERSE
6. Single curl or crunch, in the gym : REP
7. Beam’s path? : EAR TO EAR
8. Really ready to rest : DRAINED
9. Aid for an ed. : SASE
10. Sound heard shortly after “Here’s to …” : CLINK!
11. Dollar, for one : RENT-A-CAR
12. Suggestion : OVERTONE
13. Innocent : DEWY-EYED
15. Diocesan assembly : SYNOD
23. “Ain’t gonna happen” : DREAM ON
24. Desi Arnaz Jr. was on its first cover : TV GUIDE
27. It has a chilling effect : FREON
28. “That makes two of us” : DITTO
30. Danger while drying out : DTS
32. ___ d’orange : JUS
33. Like many lines fed to actors : OFFSTAGE
34. Lady’s counterpart : NOBLEMAN
35. Put off : ALIENATE
36. Cold wine-and-nutmeg drink : SANGAREE
38. “You’d better brace yourself for this …” : BAD NEWS …
41. Rennin results in them : CURDS
42. Western heat? : SIX-GUN
43. Cutting : ACIDIC
44. Bump down : DEMOTE
46. Demolition site sight : DOZER
48. Shepherd’s home : MANSE
50. Fresh styling : REDO
52. Something catching? : MITT
55. Led : RAN