Solution to today’s crossword in the New York Times
Solution to today’s SYNDICATED New York Times crossword in all other publications
Today’s Wiki-est, Amazonian Googlies
It’s my wife’s birthday today, and I was just able to sneak away for the time it took to solve today’s puzzle. I won’t have time this evening to do the look-ups, I am afraid. I will get to them just as soon as I can. Apologies for any inconvenience.
For the sake of completion, here is a full listing of all the answers:
1. Fault line? : I GOOFED
8. Rope holding down a bowsprit : BOBSTAY
15. Great part for Duvall? : SANTINI
16. 1945 Tommy Dorsey hit : OPUS ONE
17. Medium frequencies include them : AM BANDS
18. Journalists James and James Jr. : RESTONS
19. Nigerian language : IBO
20. Ingredient in gourmet potato chips : SEA SALT
22. ___ de guerre : CRI
23. Scary sucker, for short : DRAC
25. Bastes : DRUBS
26. Look down : POUT
27. Shot stuff : SERUM
29. LP insert? : MNO
30. Pungent fish topper : AIOLI
31. Longtime ace : OLD PAL
33. Goes gray : GRIZZLES
35. Part of some fruit drink names : CRAN-
37. Film with the protagonist “Z” : ANTZ
38. Any of three title characters in a long-running Cartoon Network series : AQUA TEEN
42. See 46-Across : BEAVER
46. With 42-Across, old ad mascot who sang “It’s dandy for your teeth” : BUCKY
47. Worked (up) : HET
49. Source of the word “robot” : CZECH
50. Salad, often : SIDE
51. ___ up (brawl) : MIX IT
53. Big name in jewelry retail : ZALE
54. Mouths, to Marius : ORA
55. Spartan : AUSTERE
57. Ad trailer? : LIB
58. Reaches the age of : LIVES TO
60. It forms much of Lombardy’s southern border : RIVER PO
62. One : UNIFIED
63. Central feature of St. Peter’s Square : OBELISK
64. Taco alternative : TOSTADA
65. “Coppelia” composer : DELIBES
1. Parent’s peremptory “reason” : I SAID SO
2. Common barn roof : GAMBREL
3. Passenger’s status : ON BOARD
4. Taxonomy suffix : -OTA
5. Drum and bass parts : FINS
6. Through : ENDED
7. Get heat from? : DISARM
8. Part of French Polynesia : BORA BORA
9. Some German models : OPELS
10. Boom follower, maybe : BUST
11. Boom maker, once : SST
12. Gnarly : TOO COOL
13. Author of “The Stranger Beside Me,” 1980 : ANN RULE
14. Beatles tune that begins “If you wear red tonight” : YES IT IS
21. Like arias : SUNG
24. Sugar : CUPCAKE
26. Dash : PIZZAZZ
28. Oscar winner after “On the Waterfront” : MARTY
30. Onetime Lake Texcoco dweller : AZTEC
32. Papuan port : LAE
34. Having five sharps : IN B
36. Drink that had a Wild Red variety : NEHI SODA
38. Drink that has a Ruby Red variety : ABSOLUT
39. Philippine province on Luzon : QUIRINO
40. The Aggies of the Big West Conf. : UC DAVIS
41. “What ___?” : NEXT
43. Steak or chop choice : VEAL RIB
44. Cover-up witnessed by millions? : ECLIPSE
45. Relatives of dik-diks : RHEBOKS
48. Car bar : TIE ROD
51. So as not to be overheard, say : MUTED
52. Alabama or Missouri : TRIBE
55. ___-Pacific : ASIA
56. First name in long jumping : EVEL
59. Small creature that undergoes metamorphosis : EFT
61. Clinton or Bush, once : ELI
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"too cool" is no good for "gnarly", which in current parlance is "difficult", "unusually hard to deal with". Gnarly surf is not cool, dude….from "gnarl" = "twisted, roughened, tangled, knotted". Unless we're playing opposites, like "bad" = "good".
I had OLD PRO for "longtime ace" until I realized it must be OLD PAL. But I don't get it. How does pal = ace?