Constructed by: Alex Eaton-Salners
Edited by: Will Shortz
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Today’s Theme (according to Bill): Clue Number Number
In today’s grid, one answer serves as the clue for another answer, a themed answer. That themed answer requires use of the answer number before the the answer itself:
- 5A. Golf score : BOGEY
- 1A. 5-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 1-OVER
- 22A. Without stopping : ENDLESSLY
- 24A. 22-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 24/SEVEN
- 41A. Time out? : NAP
- 40A. 41-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 40 WINKS
- 46A. In fairness : EQUALLY
- 50A. 46-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 50-FIFTY
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Bill’s time: 11m 02s
Bill’s errors: 0
Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies
5. Golf score : BOGEY
The following terms are routinely used in golf for scores relative to par:
- Bogey: one over par
- Par
- Birdie: one under par
- Eagle: two under par
- Albatross (also “double eagle”): three under par
- Condor: four under par
No one has ever recorded a condor during a professional tournament.
10. “Eww! That’s quite enough!” : TMI
Too much information! (TMI)
14. Speed skater Ohno : APOLO
Speed-skater Apolo Ohno has won more Winter Olympics medals than any other American. Ohno also did a great job winning the 2007 season of television’s “Dancing with the Stars”.
15. Oviform : egg :: pyriform : ___ : PEAR
Here are some terms used for common shapes:
- Dentiform: shaped like a tooth
- Pyriform: shaped like a pear
- Oviform: shaped like an egg
16. Father in “As I Lay Dying” : ANSE
“As I Lay Dying” is a novel by William Faulkner first published in 1930. The book has an unusual structure, with stream of consciousness writing throughout. There is one whole chapter that I’d like to quote here:
My mother is a fish.
That’s a five-word chapter …
17. Classic catalog provider : SEARS
Richard Sears was a station agent on the railroad. In the late 1800s, he bought up a shipment of unwanted watches that was left at his depot and sold the watches to other agents up and down the line. He was so successful that he ordered more watches and then came up with the idea of using a catalog to promote more sales. The catalog idea caught on, and his success allowed Sears to open retail locations in 1925. By the mid 1900s, Sears was the biggest retailer in the whole country.
18. Pool growth : ALGA
Algae are similar to terrestrial plants in that they use photosynthesis to create sugars from light and carbon dioxide, but they differ in that they have simpler anatomies, and for example lack roots.
19. Bell Atlantic merger partner of 2000 : GTE
GTE was a rival to AT&T, the largest of the independent competitors to the Bell System. GTE merged with Bell Atlantic in 2000 to form the company that we know today as Verizon. Verizon made some high-profile acquisitions over the years, including MCI in 2005 and AOL in 2015.
20. ___ Park, site of experimental lighting : MENLO
Menlo Park, New Jersey is noted as the home to Thomas Edison’s laboratory where he made so many of his inventions. We also have a pretty well-known Menlo Park out here in California, home to many of the venture capital companies that tend to make a lot of money out of Silicon Valley businesses.
21. ___ Bator, Mongolia : ULAN
The name of Mongolia’s capital city Ulan Bator translates as “the Red Hero”. The “Red Hero” name was chosen in honor of the country’s national hero, Damdin Sükhbaatar. Sükhbaatar fought alongside the Soviet Red Army in the fight for liberation from Chinese occupation.
22. Without stopping : ENDLESSLY
24. 22-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 24/SEVEN
24/7 service is available anytime, that’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
26. Father of William the Conqueror : ROBERT I
Robert I, Duke of Normandy is perhaps best remembered as the father of William the Conqueror. William was born to Robert and his mistress Herleva of Falaise, which earned the boy the moniker William the Bastard.
The Battle of Hastings took place in the South East of England in 1066. The battle took place between the native Anglo-Saxons led by King Harold Godwinson, and the Norman-French led by Duke William II of Normandy. William emerged victorious, earning him the moniker William the Conqueror, and the crown of England as William I. The victory also launched the Norman conquest of England.
27. Airport serving greater Tokyo : NARITA
Plans were put together for the construction of Narita International Airport back in 1966. However, the airport was not a popular addition to the metropolis in some quarters and demonstrations, often violent, delayed the project. Originally planned for completion in 1971, the airport didn’t open until 1978. The opening ceremony was attended by about 6,000 protesters and 14,000 security police.
28. Rembrandt van ___ : RYN
The celebrated Dutch painter’s full name was Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (sometimes “Ryn”). Rembrandt is perhaps most appreciated for his portraits, and left the world a remarkable collection of self-portraits.
29. Large, gray rain clouds : NIMBI
A nimbus (plural “nimbi”) is a halo, or an aura. “Nimbus” is Latin, and can also translate as “cloud”.
32. “I shall return,” say : VOW
General Douglas MacArthur made his famous declaration “I came through and I shall return” in Melbourne, Australia in 1942. The remarks followed his escape from the Philippines after the Japanese invasion. MacArthur and his family departed from the heavily fortified Corregidor Island in Manila Bay in a PT boat (PT-41). PT-41 joined up with three other PT boats and made a perilous two-day journey through Japanese-patrolled waters to the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. From Mindanao the party flew to Australia. MacArthur did eventually return to the Philippines as he had promised, arriving back on Corregidor in March 1945 on a PT boat.
33. Citizens of the only country that relies significantly on online voting in elections : ESTONIANS
The European nation of Estonia has embraced the concept of electronic voting. Each citizen is issued an ID card that includes a chip. The ID card allows a citizen to cast a vote via the Internet using a computer with a card reader. One advantage of electronic voting in Estonia is that votes can be cast early, but can be changed right up to the end of election day.
40. 41-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 40 WINKS
41. Time out? : NAP
Back in the early 1800s, folks took “nine winks” when getting a few minutes of sleep during the day. Dr. William Kitchiner extended this concept in his 1821 self-help book “The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life”. He suggested “A Forty Winks Nap”, which we seem to have been taking ever since. Mind you, I’m up to about eighty winks most days …
44. ___ Brothers (onetime investment giant) : LEHMAN
Lehman Brothers was one of the global financial services companies at the center of the global financial crisis of 2007-2008. Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2008, which was the largest bankruptcy filing in American history.
53. San ___ Obispo, Calif. : LUIS
The city of San Luis Obispo is one of the oldest communities in California. The name “San Luis Obispo” translates as “Saint Louis, the Bishop of Toulouse”. In 1990, San Luis Obispo was the first municipality in the world to ban smoking in all indoor public areas.
54. Bond portrayer after Brosnan : CRAIG
English actor Daniel Craig rocketed to fame in 2005 when he was chosen to replace Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in the series of films based on Ian Fleming’s character. One of Craig’s most famous appearances as Bond was alongside Queen Elizabeth II in the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics. Craig married actress Rachel Weisz in 2011.
56. Pirate captain whose treasure was thought to be buried on Oak Island : KIDD
William Kidd was a Scottish privateer who went by the name “Captain Kidd”. Although Kidd was a privateer, someone authorized by the government to attack foreign shipping, he was eventually arrested and executed for piracy. There is common opinion held today that the charges against Kidd were actually trumped up. Captain Kidd’s story was the basis of a 1945 film called “Captain Kidd” starring Charles Laughton in the title role. Laughton also appeared as Captain Kidd in 1952’s comic movie “Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd”.
58. Canyonlands National Park sight : MESA
Canyonlands is a magnificent National Park in southeast Utah located not far from Moab. The canyons in the park, and the associated mesas and buttes, were formed mainly by the Colorado and Green Rivers.
59. Swenson of “Benson” : INGA
Inga Swenson is an American actress. Her best known role was “Gretchen Kraus”, the German cook and later housekeeper on the TV show “Benson”. Swenson also appeared in a couple of episodes of “Bonanza” playing the second wife of Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene), and mother of Hoss Cartwright (Dan Blocker). This was despite the fact that in real life she was actually 4 years younger than Blocker!
63. Monica on the court : SELES
Monica Seles has a Hungarian name as she was born to Hungarian parents, in former Yugoslavia. Seles was the World No. 1 professional tennis player in 1991 and 1992 before being forced from the sport when she was stabbed by a spectator at a match in 1993. She did return to the game two years later, but never achieved the same level of success.
64. “Pretty Woman” co-star : GERE
“Pretty Woman” is a great movie; a 1990 romantic comedy starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. The film was originally written as a very dark story, with the female lead not only a prostitute, but also a drug addict, The Disney studio took up the project and demanded that it be rewritten as a modern-day fairy tale, and what a good decision that was …
1. Asiatic animal with a mane : ONAGER
The onager is also known as the Asiatic wild ass. The onager is a little larger than a donkey, and looks like a cross between a donkey and a horse. One characteristic of the onager is that it is remarkably “untamable”.
2. Yellow Monopoly avenue : VENTNOR
Ventnor Avenue is a property in the game of Monopoly. The street names in the US version of Monopoly are locations in or around Atlantic City, New Jersey.
4. A.A.A. suggestion: Abbr. : RTE
The American Automobile Association (AAA) is a not-for-profit organization focused on lobbying, provision of automobile servicing, and selling of automobile insurance. The AAA was founded in 1902 in Chicago and published the first of its celebrated hotel guides back in 1917.
8. Jetson boy : ELROY
“The Jetsons” is an animated show from Hanna-Barbera that had its first run in 1962-1963, and then was recreated in 1985-1987. When it was debuted in 1963 by ABC, “The Jetsons” was the network’s first ever color broadcast. “The Jetsons” are like a space-age version of “The Flintstones”. The four Jetson family members are George and Jane, the parents, and children Judy and Elroy. Residing with the family in Orbit City are Rosie the household robot and Astro the pet dog.
10. Mideast city with a stock exchange : TEL AVIV
The full name of Israel’s second largest city is Tel Aviv-Yafo. “Tel Aviv” translates into “Spring Mound”, a name chosen in 1910.
11. Villain in the “X-Men” movies : MAGNETO
In the Marvel Comics universe, Magneto is a powerful mutant and an enemy of the X-Men. As his name implies, Magneto’s superhuman ability is that he can generate and control magnetic fields. Magneto has been portrayed on the big screen in the “X-Men” series of films by Sir Ian McKellen, and by Michael Fassbender.
20. Debussy’s “La ___” : MER
“La Mer” is a lovely group of three symphonic sketches for orchestra by the French composer Claude Debussy. Listen to it, and you can feel yourself at the ocean. “La Mer” is French for “The Sea”.
21. Bolt of lightning speed : USAIN
Usain Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter who won the 100m and 200m race gold medals in the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games. Back in Jamaica, Bolt was really into cricket, and probably would have been a very successful fast bowler had he not hit the track instead.
27. Jordan joined it in 1984, for short : NBA
Michael Jordan is considered by many to be the greatest basketball player of all time. Not only is he a talented sportsman, but he is also very successful in the business world. His is now the majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats NBA team. Fans refer to Jordan as “His Airness”.
37. Legolas in “The Lord of the Rings,” e.g. : ELF
English actor Orlando Bloom’s breakthrough on the big screen came when he was chosen to play the Sindarin Elf Legolas in “The Lord of the Rings” series of films.
45. Greek peak on which Zeus was hidden as an infant : MT IDA
Accounting to mythology, Zeus was born in a cave at Mount Ida, the highest peak on the island of Crete.
48. Australian boot brand : UGG
Uggs are sheepskin boots that were first produced in Australia and New Zealand. The original Uggs have sheepskin fleece on the inside for comfort and insulation, with a tanned leather surface on the outside for durability. “Ugg” is a generic term Down Under, although it’s a brand name here in the US.
51. Patch of loose rocks at the base of a cliff : SCREE
When a rock face erodes, lumps of rock and dust fall to the ground. The pile of rocks gathered around the rock face is called scree, a word derived from the old Norwegian term for a landslide.
56. Rio producer : KIA
South Korean automaker Kia have been making the subcompact model called the Rio since 2000.
58. Dismal fig. for a gas guzzler : MPG
Miles per gallon (mpg)
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Complete List of Clues/Answers
1. 5-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 1-OVER
5. Golf score : BOGEY
10. “Eww! That’s quite enough!” : TMI
13. Trim : NEAT
14. Speed skater Ohno : APOLO
15. Oviform : egg :: pyriform : ___ : PEAR
16. Father in “As I Lay Dying” : ANSE
17. Classic catalog provider : SEARS
18. Pool growth : ALGA
19. Bell Atlantic merger partner of 2000 : GTE
20. ___ Park, site of experimental lighting : MENLO
21. ___ Bator, Mongolia : ULAN
22. Without stopping : ENDLESSLY
24. 22-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 24/SEVEN
26. Father of William the Conqueror : ROBERT I
27. Airport serving greater Tokyo : NARITA
28. Rembrandt van ___ : RYN
29. Large, gray rain clouds : NIMBI
32. “I shall return,” say : VOW
33. Citizens of the only country that relies significantly on online voting in elections : ESTONIANS
37. Prefix with law or label : ECO-
40. 41-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 40 WINKS
41. Time out? : NAP
44. ___ Brothers (onetime investment giant) : LEHMAN
46. In fairness : EQUALLY
50. 46-Across, with respect to this answer’s location : 50-FIFTY
51. Tugs of war : STRUGGLES
53. San ___ Obispo, Calif. : LUIS
54. Bond portrayer after Brosnan : CRAIG
55. “In your dreams!” : HAH!
56. Pirate captain whose treasure was thought to be buried on Oak Island : KIDD
57. Close-knit group : TRIBE
58. Canyonlands National Park sight : MESA
59. Swenson of “Benson” : INGA
60. Decked out? : DEALT
61. Prestigious school, for short : PREP
62. Ever-rising number : AGE
63. Monica on the court : SELES
64. “Pretty Woman” co-star : GERE
1. Asiatic animal with a mane : ONAGER
2. Yellow Monopoly avenue : VENTNOR
3. Carefully got around : EASED BY
4. A.A.A. suggestion: Abbr. : RTE
5. Least honorable : BASEST
6. Leads to, as one room to another : OPENS IN ON
7. ___ out (try one’s best) : GO ALL
8. Jetson boy : ELROY
9. Casual greetings : YOS
10. Mideast city with a stock exchange : TEL AVIV
11. Villain in the “X-Men” movies : MAGNETO
12. Good name for a banker : IRA
15. Less tanned : PALER
20. Debussy’s “La ___” : MER
21. Bolt of lightning speed : USAIN
23. ___ Hau, pioneering physicist from Denmark : LENE
25. Backwoods turndown : NAW
27. Jordan joined it in 1984, for short : NBA
30. Tats : INK
31. Woeful : MISERABLE
34. Changes the opinion of : SWAYS
35. ___ ear : TIN
36. Stumbling block : SNAG
37. Legolas in “The Lord of the Rings,” e.g. : ELF
38. Maximum amount : CEILING
39. “Dagnabbit!” : OH FUDGE!
42. “Everyone’s arrived now” : ALL HERE
43. One who does what people want them to do : PLEASER
45. Greek peak on which Zeus was hidden as an infant : MT IDA
47. Calms down : QUIETS
48. Australian boot brand : UGG
49. Wishbone feature : Y-SHAPE
51. Patch of loose rocks at the base of a cliff : SCREE
52. What might follow suit? : TRIAL
56. Rio producer : KIA
57. QB stat : TDS
58. Dismal fig. for a gas guzzler : MPG
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