Solution to today’s crossword in the New York Times
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CROSSWORD SETTER: Tony Orbach & Patrick Blindauer
THEME: Celebrity Spoonerisms … today’s themed answers are all spoonerisms, and each includes the name of a celebrity:
26A. Actor Michael’s means of support? CAINE PILLAR (from “painkiller”)
28A. Comic Tina recovered from her wound? FEY HEALED (from “hayfield”)
42A. Heir of martial artist Bruce? LEE SCION (from “sea lion”)
52A. Annoyance for actor Colin? FIRTH BOTHER (from “birth father”)
68A. Thunderstruck critic’s review for actor Richard? GERE BOGGLES (from “beer goggles”)
88A. What actor Martin calls his athletic footwear? SHEEN CLEATS (from “clean sheets”)
97A. Urban legend about rapper Kanye? WEST MYTH (from “messed with”)
114A. Musician David’s equestrian accouterments? BYRNE TACK (from “turn back”)
117A. Tart cocktail named for comic Amy? POEHLER SOUR (from “solar power”)
Today’s Wiki-est, Amazonian Googlies
I am afraid that vacation got in the way of crosswords and blogging today. I only have time to post the bare essentials. The good news is that my fellow travelers from the past two weeks are flying back to the US right now, and I am left here by myself. There’ll be plenty of time for crosswords and a pint in some quiet pubs around the country!
Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
For the sake of completion, here is a full listing of all the answers:
1. Sissy who’s not a sissy SPACEK
7. Benefits AVAILS
13. Blade in the back? SCAPULA
20. Lost lady in “The Raven” LENORE
21. Refresher CATNAP
22. Cleaning aid WASHRAG
23. Bid INVITE
24. Something given when someone has been taken EULOGY
25. Tranquil AT PEACE
26. Actor Michael’s means of support? CAINE PILLAR (from “painkiller”)
28. Comic Tina recovered from her wound? FEY HEALED (from “hayfield”)
30. Early “Project Runway” sponsor ELLE
31. No-see-ums GNATS
32. Obama caricature feature BIG EARS
33. Ocho ___ (Jamaican resort) RIOS
35. Blood products SERA
37. Big name in ice cream EDY
38. Positive signs of life in outer space? A-OKS
42. Heir of martial artist Bruce? LEE SCION (from “sea lion”)
46. Tennis champ Monica SELES
48. Square UNHIP
49. Hip-hop record mogul Gotti IRV
50. Civil rights leader Roy INNIS
52. Annoyance for actor Colin? FIRTH BOTHER (from “birth father”)
55. Org. that takes donations for the strapped? NRA
56. Caroler’s quaff EGGNOG
58. 2007 3x platinum Alicia Keys album AS I AM
59. 2012 gold-medal gymnast Raisman ALY
60. Person whose number is up GONER
62. Ins ELITE
65. Sag DROOP
67. Flamenco cries OLES
68. Thunderstruck critic’s review for actor Richard? GERE BOGGLES (from “beer goggles”)
72. Studies: Abbr. RPTS
75. Ball club position SCOUT
77. Word in a Yale fight song BOOLA
78. Popular airfare comparison site KAYAK
79. Trojan’s home, for short USC
81. Sirs’ counterparts MA’AMS
84. Thriller writer DeMille NELSON
87. The Judds, e.g. DUO
88. What actor Martin calls his athletic footwear? SHEEN CLEATS (from “clean sheets”)
92. “His wife could ___ lean” EAT NO
93. Q&A part: Abbr. ANS
94. Branch of Islam SUNNI
95. Dental unit TOOTH
97. Urban legend about rapper Kanye? WEST MYTH (from “messed with”)
99. “The Great White Hope” director Martin RITT
100. It came down in 2001 MIR
102. Out of the wind ALEE
104. Bring down, in England RASE
105. “Me, me, me” sort EGOTIST
108. Cleaning aid since 1889 LYSOL
110. Aquatic organism ALGA
114. Musician David’s equestrian accouterments? BYRNE TACK (from “turn back”)
117. Tart cocktail named for comic Amy? POEHLER SOUR (from “solar power”)
119. Components for wireless networks ROUTERS
120. Philippine province with a repetitive name ILOILO
122. “Good riddance!” NO LOSS!
123. Suspected cause of Napoleon’s death ARSENIC
124. Subject of a Scottish mystery, informally NESSIE
125. Not totally against OPEN TO
126. Aces the test GETS AN A
127. Some mounts STEEDS
128. Oil giant based in Memphis WESSON
1. Piece of cake SLICE
2. Kind of code PENAL
3. Rural block ANVIL
4. Creative word people COINERS
5. Folies-Bergère costume designer ERTE
6. “Don’t stop!” KEEP GOING!
7. Speedy Northeast conveyance ACELA
8. Leaps VAULTS
9. They go around the world ATLASES
10. “___ out?” (question to a pet) IN OR
11. Fail to keep up LAG
12. Ian Fleming genre SPY-FI
13. Influenced SWAYED
14. Polo grounds? CATHAY
15. In accordance with AS PER
16. Partridge family member PHEASANT
17. Russia’s ___ Airlines URAL
18. Teddy material LACE
19. Kept underground, maybe AGED
27. One way to break out IN SONG
29. Casts out EGESTS
32. “Eat, Pray, Love” setting BALI
34. More slick, in a way ICIER
36. Call REF
39. “Praise the Lord!” OH HAPPY DAY!
40. German city on the Baltic KIEL
41. Surprisingly agile SPRY
42. Jargon LINGO
43. “The Fog of War” director Morris ERROL
44. Ephemeral EVANESCENT
45. San Francisco gridder NINER
47. Time piece ERA
48. Man, in Milan UOMO
51. Foot-long part SOLE
53. Stay out of sight HIDE
54. Set on a cellphone BARS
57. Bandmate Barry, Maurice or Robin GIBB
61. Get-out-of-full-screen button ESC
63. As well TOO
64. Dr. ___ Spengler (“Ghostbusters” role) EGON
66. ___ pro nobis ORA
68. Some chip dip, informally GUAC
69. List abbr. ET AL
70. Elation GLEE
71. Old NBC drama LA LAW
73. Heckle TAUNT
74. Little bit SKOSH
76. Bygone Dodge OMNI
78. Clove hitch and sheepshank KNOTS
79. Boycotter of the ’84 L.A. Olympics USSR
80. Feng ___ SHUI
82. Not in pounds, say METRIC
83. ___ Paulo SAO
85. Organic compound STEROL
86. Tempting words for shopaholics ON SALE NOW
89. Accords ENTENTES
90. Impeccably TO A T
91. Home to the Blues and once the Browns: Abbr. STL
96. Noted hint giver HELOISE
98. German ___ MEASLES
100. Advil competitor MOTRIN
101. Lake that’s the source of the Mississippi ITASCA
103. Lens cover EYELID
106. Davis of “Commander in Chief” GEENA
107. One side in a pickup basketball game SKINS
109. Department store section SHOES
111. Nut jobs LOONS
112. Verve GUSTO
113. Burning desire? ARSON
114. What 105-Acrosses do BRAG
115. Days gone by YORE
116. “Too much rest is ___”: Sir Walter Scott RUST
117. Sit to be shot POSE
118. Tug-of-war need ROPE
121. Call from the sidelines LET!
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