7 thoughts on “0516-23 NY Times Crossword 16 May 23, Tuesday”

  1. 8:17. I was thinking of “flammable” vs “inflammable” for this one, but it doesn’t really work as the other examples do. But what about “inside”? “Side” doesn’t mean “outside”, but it does have a meaning. Again – not exactly, but closer.

    Hadn’t heard SOCIALS. Once again we can’t finish words or phrases anymore. I’ll have to ask my PEEPS about the DEETS of that…

    Spanish speakers always pronounced Abraham as ABRAM. Now I understand why.

    Best –

  2. Messed up 44A which caused problems for 34D. Had HES instead of PAS. that gave me HOSNER instead of POSNER. didn’t know him. … and I wasn’t sure it was ABREM or ABRAM for 34D.

    Oh well….

  3. Bill——In your comments, I know you are always looking for the interesting points. In your write up for OPAL you might want to add that opals have now been discovered on Mars. They are quite abundant, in fact.

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