1201-10: New York Times Crossword Answers 1 Dec 10, Wednesday

The full solution to today’s crossword that appears in the New York Times
The full solution to today’s SYNDICATED New York Times crossword that appears in all other publications

THEME: WOODY ALLEN … all the theme answers are titles of Woody Allen movies (I hate Woody Allen movies!) e.g. MATCH POINT, RADIO DAYS, ALICE

Today’s Wiki-est, Amazonian Googlies

Woody Allen Autographed Black & White 5x7 Photo1. With 66-Across, subject of this puzzle, born 12/1/1935 : WOODY
66. See 1-Across : ALLEN
Woody Allen’s real name is Allan Stewart Konigsberg. He legally changed his name to Heywood Allen when he was 17 years old, although by then he was going by the name Woody Allen. He has been nominated for an Academy Award an incredible 21 times in many different categories, and has won three times. He has more Oscar nominations as a screenwriter than any other writer, but he spurns the Awards ceremony and only attended it once in all his years in the movie business. He broke tradition by turning up at the 2002 ceremony, unannounced, to beg producers to continue filming in his beloved New York City despite the fears created by the 9/11 attacks.

Bea Arthur Autographed 8x10 Photo6. “Maude” star Arthur : BEA
Actress Bea Arthur’s most famous roles were on television, as the lead role in the “All in the Family” spin-off, “Maude”, and as Dorothy Zbornak in “The Golden Girls”. She also won a Tony for playing Vera Charles on stage in the original cast of “Mame” in 1966.

Match Point9. With 64-Across, 1-/66-Across movie of 2005 : MATCH
64. See 9-Across : POINT
Woody Allen’s 2005 movie “Match Point” is a thriller-drama starring Jonathan Rhys Myers and Scarlett Johansson. The film is set in the UK, around the world of professional tennis. I haven’t seen this one, and it does sound very different from other movies made by Allen. I might just take a peek at this one! It was a commercial success as well, unlike so many of Allen’s films.

16. Dress in the Forum : STOLA
In Ancient Rome the classical attire known as a toga was usually worn over a tunic. The tunic was made of linen, and the toga itself was a piece of cloth about twenty feet long made of wool. The toga could only be worn by men (the female equivalent was called a “stola”) and only if they were Roman citizens.

Radio Days17. … of 1987 : RADIO DAYS
Woody Allen’s 1987 movie “Radio Days” is somewhat autobiographical. On screen, Allen is the narrator of the piece, and tells how radio influenced his young life before the advent of television, during the so called Golden Age of Radio.

18. Some tomatoes : ROMAS
The Roma tomato isn’t considered to be an heirloom variety, but it is very popular with home gardeners, especially those gardeners that don’t have a lot of space. It is a bush type (as opposed to vine type) and needs very little space to provide a lot of tomatoes.

19. Faux pas : MISSTEP
The term “faux pas” is French in origin, and translates literally as “false step” (or “false steps”, as the plural has the same spelling).

21. Winter hrs. in St. Louis : CST
Central Standard Time.

Alice22. … of 1990 : ALICE
Woody Allen’s 1990 movie called “Alice” is largely a remake of a Frederico Fellini film, “Juliet of the Spirits”. “Alice” stars Mia Farrow in the title role, a New York housewife who ends up having an affair under the influence of herbs supplied by an Asian herbalist. The she feels guilty, then she becomes invisible, then I decide not to rent this movie …

26. ___ exchange : ION
Ion exchange is a chemical process, often used in the purification of drinking water, and the softening of household water, although there are many other uses. One version of the technique involves passing a liquid over a resin in a cartridge. “Bad” ions in the liquid are exchanged for “good” ions from the resin, so the resin cartridge collects the contaminants and the treated liquid passes out of the cartridge. The process is reversible, so the cartridge can be “back-washed” and reused.

27. It’s high on the pH scale : BASE
As we all recall from chemistry class, a pH of 7 is considered neutral. Anything less than 7 is an acid, and anything above 7 is a base.

Beyond Paradise: The Life of Ramon Novarro28. Silents actor Novarro : RAMON
Ramón Novarro was a Mexican actor who made it big in Hollywood in the Silent Era. He often played the “Latin lover” and was noted for his good looks. His most successful film was in the 1925 version of “Ben-Hur”, when he caused quite a sensation by wearing very revealing costumes. Novarro was gay, something that caused him a lot of trouble in his career given the times. In 1968 he hired two young men through an agency to come to his L.A. home for sex, but the two brothers tortured Novarro for hours in the belief that he had a large some of money in the house. Novarro choked to death on his own blood after the brutal beating, and the murderers left with just twenty dollars in cash.

Manhattan29. … of 1979 : MANHATTAN
Manhattan” was released in 1979. The music of George Gershwin features prominently, which isn’t surprising as Woody Allen got the inspiration for the film from Gershwin’s compositions. The movie opens with a montage of images of Manhattan shown above Gershwin’s beautiful “Rhapsody in Blue”. As Woody Allen is an accomplished clarinet player, I am sure he much appreciated the wonderful clarinet part that opens “Rhapsody in Blue”, my favorite Gershwin composition …

31. Asian nurse : AMAH
“Amah” is an interesting word in that we associate it so much with Asian culture, and yet it actually comes from the Portuguese “ama” meaning “nurse”. Ama was imported into English in the days of the British Raj in India when it was used to describe a wet-nurse, and amah.

32. Dorothy’s state: Abbr. : KAN
When Dorothy was on the Yellow Brick Road in the “Wizard of Oz”, she wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

Bananas34. … of 1971 : BANANAS
Woody Allen’s 1971 comedy “Bananas” stars Allen in the lead role. It’s about an American blue collar guy who heads to a Cuba-style republic in the midst of a revolution, all to impress a girl (played by Louise Lasser). The “Bananas” is meant to denote the craziness of the Allen character, but it’s also a pun on the term “Banana Republic”.

Sleeper36. … of 1973 : SLEEPER
Woody Allen’s 1973 movie “Sleeper” is a sci-fi piece in which Allen plays an average man cryogenically frozen and defrosted 200 years into the future. This is one of those vehicles for Woody Allen playing opposite Diane Keaton. I tried watching it a couple of time, but failed miserably to sit through it …

41. Mayo is in it : ANO
In Spain, as well in the English-speaking world, May (Mayo) is a month in the year (ano).

42. ___ land : LA LA
La La Land is a euphemism for a state of unconsciousness.

Annie Hall43. … of 1977 : ANNIE HALL
I suppose if there is any Woody Allen movie that I enjoy watching, it’s “Annie Hall” from 1977. I think Diane Keaton is a great actress, and she is wonderful in this film I must say. You’ll see Paul Simon as well, making a rare movie appearance, and even Truman Capote, playing himself. The movie is also famous for sparking a movement in the fashion world to adopt the “Annie Hall” look, that very distinctive appearance championed by Diane Keaton as the Annie Hall character.

47. Par ___ : AVION
“Par avion” is the French term for “by airplane”. We’re used to seeing “par avion” on a blue sticker under the words “Air Mail” on our mail.

48. Part of l’été : AOUT
In France, and here too for that matter, August (Aout) is in the season of summer (été).

History's Villains - Idi Amin49. A mean Amin : IDI
Idi Amin received most of his military training in the British Army all over Africa, eventually achieving the highest rank possible for a Black African in the British Colonial Army in 1959, that of Warrant Officer. On his return to Uganda he joined the Ugandan Army, and quickly rose to the rank of Deputy Commander of the Army. During that time he was quite the athlete. He was a noted rugby player and swimmer, and for nine years held the Ugandan national, light-heavyweight boxing title. By the early seventies Amin was commander of all the armed forces of Uganda, and in 1971 seized power in a military coup, displacing the country’s president, Milton Obote. There followed seven years of brutal rule by Amin during which it is estimated that between 100,000 and 500,000 people were murdered. Amin was ousted from power in 1979 after a war with Tanzania, and fled to Libya where he stayed for a year. He was hosted in Saudi Arabia, and financially supported by the Saudi Royal Family for the remainder of his life. He died in 2003.

Zelig Poster Movie Polish 11x17 Woody Allen Mia Farrow Susan Sontag Saul Bellow50. … of 1983 : ZELIG
Zelig” is a 1983 film by Woody Allen. It tells the fictitious story, in documentary style, of Leonard Zelig (played by Allen), who has the gift of being able to change his appearance in order to better fit in with the company he keeps. He becomes famous as a “human chameleon”. The film includes clever “cameos” by real figures from history (like Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Susan Sontag) by using archive footage.

Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela51. Nelson Mandela’s org. : ANC
The ANC started out as the South African Native National Congress in 1912 with the goal of improving the lot of Black South Africans. After years of turmoil the ANC came to power in the first open election in 1964.

52. Shaded passageway : PERGOLA
A pergola looks somewhat like a gazebo in structure, but it is an open walkway, with vines trained up the sides and over the top. “Pergola” ultimately derives from the Latin “pergula”, the word for a covered eave.

55. Verdi’s very : MOLTO
“Molto” is the Italian for “very”.

Interiors57. … of 1978 : INTERIORS
Woody Allen’s film “Interiors” is a drama released in 1978. It tells the story of three sisters (played by Diane Keaton, Kristin Griffith and Mary Beth Hurt) who have to deal with the separation of their parents.

63. Feverishness : FEBRILITY
Febrility is a rise in the body’s temperature, a word akin to “febrivicity”. Both terms are derived from the Latin word “febris” meaning “fever”.

64. See 9-Across : POINT

Fathead Oakland Raiders Logo Wall Decal65. Raiders make them, informally : TDS
The Oakland Raiders make touchdowns.

66. See 1-Across : ALLEN

1. Something played out in a theater : WAR
We’ve been using the term “theater” to describe the location where a war is being fought since WWI.

2. Spanish she-bear : OSA
In Spanish, “osa” is a female bear, and “oso” is a male.

3. Geometric suffix : -OID
The “-oid” suffix indicates “having a similar shape”, from the Greek “eidos” meaning “shape”. So, something described as ellipsoid resembles an ellipse, for example.

5. Palace workers : YEOMEN
In one use of the word, a yeoman is a lower level official or attendant in a royal household. A famous group of yeomen are the Yeoman Warders of the Tower of London. The role is ceremonial these days, theoretically safeguarding the crown jewels and guarding any prisoners in the Tower. More correctly, the Yeoman Warders are called Beefeaters, and no one is really sure why! If you get over to London, the Yeoman Warders will be your tour guide around the Tower of London … a great day out!

7. Heavenly : ELYSIAN
The Elysian Fields were the final resting place of the heroic and virtuous, in Greek mythology.

Autographed/Hand Signed Walter Alston 1961 Topps Card8. Hall-of-Famer Walter who was a Dodger manager for 23 years : ALSTON
Walter “Smokey” Alston was the very successful manager of the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers from 1954 to 1976. He was not successful as a player. He played as first baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals but only for one season and in only one game, in 1936. He had only one at bat, and he struck out, on three pitches.

9. No. on a car : MSRP
The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price.

15. Early fifth-century year : CDI
The year 401.

22. Sheik’s mount : ARAB
The Arab (or Arabian) breed of horse takes its name from its original home, the Arabian Peninsula. Like any animal that humans have overbred though, the horse falls prey to genetic diseases, some of which are fatal, and some of which require the horse to be euthanized.

23. Spiritual guide : LAMA
“Lama” is a Tibetan word, meaning “chief” or “high priest”.

Iman by Unknown 10.00X8.00. Art Poster Print24. One-named 1970s-’80s supermodel : IMAN
Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid is a Somalia-born supermodel who goes simply by the name “Iman” these days. Iman is smart cookie. She has a degree in Political Science and is fluent in five languages: Somali, Arabic, Italian, French and English. Since 1992 Iman has been married to British rock star David Bowie.

27. Vitamin involved in cell metabolism : B-TWELVE
Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that plays a role in the function of the brain and the nervous system. Folks like me who don’t eat any animal foods have to watch out for vitamin B12 as it is the one food substance that isn’t readily available from plant sources. Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria readily found in “dirt” so it is readily ingested by animals and passed onto humans via diary products or meat. As we have to be so careful about washing our vegetables because of the use of pesticides, humans aren’t readily exposed to vitamin B12 when eating vegetables, so vegans often take supplements. Personally, as a potato-eating Irishman who always eats the skins of the potato, and doesn’t wash them too much when they come in from the garden, I’ve always had loads of B12 in my blood when it has been tested, without any supplements. I guess the message is “eat dirt” …

29. “Keep them coming, Juan!” : MAS
“Mas” is the Spanish for “more”.

Kathie Lee Gifford is most famous for working alongside Regis Philbin on the talk show “Live with Regis and Kathie Lee”, a stint that last about 15 years.

36. Show announced by Don Pardo for 30+ years, for short : SNL
Don Pardo’s distinctive voice announces the show “Saturday Night Live, and has been doing so since Pardo’s was the first voice heard in the premiere episode that aired in 1975. Pardo has been the announcer for all the SNL shows except for the 1981-82 season. Pardo retired from NBC in 2004 and moved to Tucson, Arizona, but the producers of “Saturday Night Live” persuaded him to stay on as announcer for their show. He has a lifetime contract, one of only two people ever to have such an arrangement with NBC (the other was Bob Hope!). He is still doing the job, and celebrated his 90th birthday on air, blowing out candles on his birthday cake at the end of an episode of SNL.

38. H. G. Wells people : ELOI
In the 1895 novel by H. G. Wells “The Time Machine”, there were two races that he encountered in his travels into the future. The Eloi were the beautiful people, that lived on the planet’s surface, while the Morlocks were basically a slave race living underground.

43. Certain travel guide : AAA MAP
The American Automobile Association is a not-for-profit organization, focused on lobbying, provision of automobile servicing, and selling of automobile insurance. It was founded in 1902 in Chicago, and published its first hotel guide back in 1917.

Shattered Glass47. Hank with voices on “The Simpsons” : AZARIA
I can’t stand “The Simpsons” but I so love to watch Hank Azaria perform. If you want to see the acting range of this guy, take a look at “The Bird Cage” in which he plays a flamboyant, gay houseboy, and “Shattered Glass” in which he plays a mentoring, magazine editor. Both are excellent films.

52. Left side : PORT
The left side of a ship used to be called the “larboard” side, but this was dropped in favor of “port” as pronunciation of larboard was easily confused with “starboard”, the right side of the vessel. The term “port” was chosen as it was customary to dock a ship, for loading in port, with the left side of the vessel against the dock.

53. Places where the Daily Racing Form is read, in brief : OTBS
Off-Track Betting is the legal gambling that takes place on horse races outside of a race track. A betting parlor can be referred to as an OTB.

54. Celtic sea god : LER
Although he can be called “Ler”, in Ireland we usually refer to the mythical sea god as “Lir”. We have a famous Irish legend that goes by the name of “The Children of Lir”, in which Lir’s children are turned into swans.

58. Excellent, slangily : ILL
“Ill” is hip-hop slang, meaing sublime, singularly creative. Not how I use the word …

61. Dict. listing : SYN
Lots of synonyms in dictionaries, great for setting crosswords …

For completion, here is a full listing of all the answers:
1. With 66-Across, subject of this puzzle, born 12/1/1935 : WOODY
6. “Maude” star Arthur : BEA
9. With 64-Across, 1-/66-Across movie of 2005 : MATCH
14. “If memory serves …” : AS I RECALL
16. Dress in the Forum : STOLA
17. … of 1987 : RADIO DAYS
18. Some tomatoes : ROMAS
19. Faux pas : MISSTEP
21. Winter hrs. in St. Louis : CST
22. … of 1990 : ALICE
26. ___ exchange : ION
27. It’s high on the pH scale : BASE
28. Silents actor Novarro : RAMON
29. … of 1979 : MANHATTAN
31. Asian nurse : AMAH
32. Dorothy’s state: Abbr. : KAN
33. “Too bad!” : AWW
34. … of 1971 : BANANAS
36. … of 1973 : SLEEPER
40. Be up : BAT
41. Mayo is in it : ANO
42. ___ land : LA-LA
43. … of 1977 : ANNIE HALL
47. Par ___ : AVION
48. Part of l’été : AOUT
49. A mean Amin : IDI
50. … of 1983 : ZELIG
51. Nelson Mandela’s org. : ANC
52. Shaded passageway : PERGOLA
55. Verdi’s very : MOLTO
57. … of 1978 : INTERIORS
62. Close, in verse : ANEAR
63. Feverishness : FEBRILITY
64. See 9-Across : POINT
65. Raiders make them, informally : TDS
66. See 1-Across : ALLEN

1. Something played out in a theater : WAR
2. Spanish she-bear : OSA
3. Geometric suffix : -OID
4. Demoisturized, in commercial names : DRI
5. Palace workers : YEOMEN
6. Flock sounds : BAAS
7. Heavenly : ELYSIAN
8. Hall-of-Famer Walter who was a Dodger manager for 23 years : ALSTON
9. No. on a car : MSRP
10. ___ Z : A TO
11. Male with whiskers : TOMCAT
12. Top-level : CLASS A
13. Get a move on : HASTEN
15. Early fifth-century year : CDI
20. Surround with a glow : ENHALO
22. Sheik’s mount : ARAB
23. Spiritual guide : LAMA
24. One-named 1970s-’80s supermodel : IMAN
25. Live together : COHABIT
27. Vitamin involved in cell metabolism : B-TWELVE
29. “Keep them coming, Juan!” : MAS
30. Amazement : AWE
32. TV’s ___ Lee : KATHIE
35. Scot’s not : NAE
36. Show announced by Don Pardo for 30+ years, for short : SNL
37. Construction worker’s lunch container : PAIL
38. H. G. Wells people : ELOI
39. Phoned : RANG
41. Neatened, in a way : ALIGNED
43. Certain travel guide : AAA MAP
44. “Stop! You’ve got it all wrong!” : NO NO NO
45. Centers : NUCLEI
46. Unmoored : ADRIFT
47. Hank with voices on “The Simpsons” : AZARIA
52. Left side : PORT
53. Places where the Daily Racing Form is read, in brief : OTBS
54. Celtic sea god : LER
56. Get bronze : TAN
58. Excellent, slangily : ILL
59. Lube (up) : OIL
60. Way: Abbr. : RTE
61. Dict. listing : SYN

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