0212-24 NY Times Crossword 12 Feb 24, Monday

Constructed by: Jess Shulman & Amie Walker
Edited by: Will Shortz

Today’s Theme (according to Bill): Innuendo? Innuendo?

Themed answers are repetitive two-word phrases used to suggest indirectly that someone do something:

  • 17A [Get my innuendo?] : [NUDGE NUDGE]
  • 37A [Get my innuendo?] : [WINK WINK]
  • 43A [Get my innuendo?] : [HINT HINT]
  • 63A [Get my innuendo?] : [COUGH COUGH]

Bill’s time: 5m 27s

Bill’s errors: 0

Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies


10 What gives Scotch an earthy flavor : PEAT

Many whiskies are noted for a peaty, smoky flavor. That taste is introduced when the malted grain is dried over a peat-heated fire.

15 Kind of bond in chemistry : IONIC

An ionic bond is formed between two oppositely-charged ions. A common example is the bond between positively-charged sodium atoms and negatively-charged chlorine atoms to form table salt (NaCl). A covalent bond, on the other hand, is formed when two atoms share electrons. Atoms sharing electrons tend to be stable, so they prefer to stay together rather than apart.

19 Beech or birch : TREE

Beech wood is prized as firewood as it burns for many hours with a bright flame and is easily split.

Birch is a hardwood tree. The smooth bark of the birch has eye-like features, leading to the tree’s nickname of “the Watchful Tree”.

24 Actress Jessica : BIEL

Jessica Biel is an actress who was known by television audiences for portraying Mary Camden on “7th Heaven”. Biel’s first film role was playing Peter Fonda’s granddaughter in “Ulee’s Gold”. Biel married singer and actor Justin Timberlake in 2012.

31 Exploding stars : NOVAS

A nova (plural “novae”) is basically a star that suddenly gets much brighter, gradually returning to its original state weeks or even years later. The increased brightness of a nova is due to increased nuclear activity causing the star to pick up extra hydrogen from a neighboring celestial body. A supernova is very different from a nova. A supernova is a very bright burst of light and energy created when most of the material in a star explodes. The bright burst of a supernova is very short-lived compared to the sustained brightness of a nova.

40 “Later, dudes” : PEACE

Our term “dude” arose as slang in New York City in the 1880s, when it was used to describe a fastidious man. In the early 1900s, the term was extended to mean “city slickers”, easterners who vacationed in the West. The first use of the term “dude ranch” was recorded in 1921.

42 Response to the Little Red Hen : NOT I

“The Little Red Hen” is an old folk tale, probably from Russia. In the story, the little red hen finds a grain of wheat and asks for help to plant it. “Not I” is the response she gets, repeatedly. She does the work herself, eventually baking bread from the harvested grain. She asks for help in eating the bread, and gets lots of volunteers. But, the hen decides to save the bread for herself and her chicks, seeing as no one would help her plant the wheat in the first place.

47 Younger Obama daughter : SASHA

Sasha is the younger of the two Obama children, having been born in 2001. She was the youngest child to reside in the White House since John F. Kennedy, Jr. moved in with his parents as a small infant. Sasha’s Secret Service codename is “Rosebud”, and her older sister Malia has the codename “Radiance”.

48 “That’s all ___ wrote” : SHE

No one seems to be very certain of the origin of “that’s all she wrote”, meaning “there’s nothing more to be said”. One popular story is that it stems from the unfortunate “Dear John” letters that some soldiers received during WWII.

58 Midori ___, first woman to land a triple axel in competition : ITO

Midori Ito is a Japanese figure skater. She was the first woman to land a triple/triple jump and a triple axel in competition. In fact, Ito landed her first triple jump in training when she was only 8 years old. Ito won Olympic silver in 1992, and was chosen as the person to light the Olympic cauldron at the commencement of the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.

66 Furniture store known for its cafeterias’ meatballs : IKEA

Every IKEA store features a restaurant that serves traditional Swedish food, including Swedish meatballs and lingonberry jam. Each store also has a Swedish Food Market where customers can purchase specialty foods from Sweden.

67 Message on a candy heart : HUG ME

The forerunner to Sweethearts candy was introduced in 1866, with the famous sayings written on the candy tailored for use at weddings. One of the original expressions was, “Married in pink, he will take a drink”. The original candy was a lot bigger, to fit all those words! The smaller, heart-shaped candy hit the shelves in 1901. We’ve been able to buy Sweethearts with the words “Text me” since 2010.

68 Classic pie crust ingredient : LARD

Fat, when extracted from the carcass of an animal, is called suet. Untreated suet decomposes at room temperature quite easily so it has to be rendered, purified to make it stable. Rendered fat from pigs is what we call lard. Rendered beef or mutton fat is known as tallow.

70 Painter Degas : EDGAR

Edgar Degas was a French artist who was famous for both his paintings and his sculptures. Some of Degas’ most beautiful works feature female ballet dancers, and others depict women bathing.


3 Musician’s conclusion : CODA

In music, a coda is primarily a passage that brings a movement to a conclusion. “Coda” is Italian for “tail”.

5 “___ U Been Gone” (Kelly Clarkson hit) : SINCE

“Since U Been Gone” is a song written by Max Martin and Dr. Luke that they hoped would be recorded by Pink. Pink passed on the opportunity to record it, and so they offered it to Hilary Duff. Duff passed as well, and so the song went to Kelly Clarkson. Clarkson’s 2004 recording did well in the charts.

10 Baked things that might get people baked : POT BROWNIES

Apparently, the first brownies were created for the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. The recipe was developed by a pastry chef at the city’s Palmer House Hotel. The idea was to produce a cake-like dessert that was small enough and dainty enough to be eaten by ladies as part of a boxed lunch.

“Potiguaya” is the Mexican-Spanish word for “marijuana leaves”. The slang name “pot” comes from “potiguaya”.

11 Currency that replaced the mark and peseta : EURO

One of the currencies replaced by the euro was Germany’s Deutsche Mark (known as “deutschmark” in English).

The peseta is a former currency of Spain and was also the de facto currency of Spain’s neighbor, the Principality of Andorra. The peseta was replaced by the euro in 2002.

28 Menial workers, dismissively : PEONS

A peon is a lowly worker who has no real control over his/her working conditions. The word “peon” comes into English from Spanish, in which language it has the same meaning.

30 Strip of mowed grass : SWATH

Our word “swath” comes from the German “Schwad” meaning “a row of cut grass”.

32 EGOT-winning actress Davis : VIOLA

Actress Viola Davis is probably best known on the small screen for playing the lead in the drama “How to Get Away with Murder”. On the big screen, I’d say that her most famous role is the starring role in the 2011 film “The Help”. Davis is one of the few EGOT winners (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony) and is the only African-American to have won the Triple Crown of Acting (a competitive Oscar, Emmy and Tony).

33 Contributed to a kitty : ANTED

The pot in a card game has been referred to as “the kitty” since the 1880s. It’s not certain how the name “kitty” evolved but possibly it comes from “kit”, the necessary equipment for the game.

36 Commercial lead-in to Pen : EPI-

EpiPen is a brand of epinephrine auto-injector. An EpiPen delivers a measured dose of epinephrine, which is a common treatment for an extreme allergic reaction.

44 “Anger leads to ___. ___ leads to suffering”: Yoda : HATE

Here are some of the wiser sayings of the “Star Wars” character Yoda:

  • Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
  • In this war, a danger there is, of losing who we are.
  • Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.
  • In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.
  • Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

52 Something you might clear to improve memory : CACHE

In the world of computers a “cache” is a component that stores data locally so that there is no need to go get that original data all over again after the first usage. Applications that use a cache move along more quickly. A good example is a web browser that will store some information from a website in a cache on one’s computer. When you ask your browser to visit a website that you’ve used before, while the browser is waiting for the latest information from the website it will display the old data (the stuff that doesn’t change, that was retained from the last visit) from its cache, so that you don’t have to wait so long to view a web page.

56 Acorn producers : OAKS

These days, we don’t usually consider acorns (the fruit of the oak tree) as a foodstuff. But in days past, many cultures around the world have used acorns as food. Usually, bitter tannins that occur in acorns need to be leached out in water. Acorn meal can be a substitute for grain flour, which can then be used to make bread. Acorns have also been used as a substitute for coffee, especially when coffee was rationed. Notably, acorn coffee was brewed up by Confederates during the American Civil War, and by Germans during World War II.

59 Hawaiian banquet : LUAU

The Hawaiian party or feast known as a “luau” really dates back to 1819, when King Kamehameha II removed religious laws that governed the eating of meals. These laws called for women and men to eat separately. At the same time as he changed the laws, the king initiated the luau tradition by symbolically eating with the women who moved in his circle.

64 Big name in fleecy boots : UGG

Uggs are sheepskin boots that were first produced in Australia and New Zealand. The original Uggs have sheepskin fleece on the inside for comfort and insulation, with a tanned leather surface on the outside for durability. “Ugg” is a generic term Down Under, although it’s a brand name here in the US.

Complete List of Clues/Answers


1 Front’s opposite : BACK
5 Some male deer : STAGS
10 What gives Scotch an earthy flavor : PEAT
14 Long, cylindrical instrument : OBOE
15 Kind of bond in chemistry : IONIC
16 “That hurts!” : OUCH!
17 [Get my innuendo?] : [NUDGE NUDGE]
19 Beech or birch : TREE
20 When a plane is due, for short : ETA
21 Show hosts, in brief : MCS
22 “Doesn’t matter who” : ANYBODY
24 Actress Jessica : BIEL
25 Close by : NEAR
26 Something a digital crossword solver doesn’t need : PAPER
29 Winter hours in N.Y.C. : EST
31 Exploding stars : NOVAS
35 “Relax, soldier” : AT EASE
37 [Get my innuendo?] : [WINK WINK]
39 Moderate gait for a horse : TROT
40 “Later, dudes” : PEACE
42 Response to the Little Red Hen : NOT I
43 [Get my innuendo?] : [HINT HINT]
45 Worked : TOILED
47 Younger Obama daughter : SASHA
48 “That’s all ___ wrote” : SHE
50 Takes in what someone wrote : READS
51 Engrave : ETCH
53 Dozes (off) : NODS
55 “That’s what people tell me, anyway” : SO I HEAR
58 Midori ___, first woman to land a triple axel in competition : ITO
59 Chop (off) : LOP
62 Bridal veil fabric : LACE
63 [Get my innuendo?] : [COUGH COUGH]
66 Furniture store known for its cafeterias’ meatballs : IKEA
67 Message on a candy heart : HUG ME
68 Classic pie crust ingredient : LARD
69 “Hey you!” : PSST!
70 Painter Degas : EDGAR
71 Membership fees : DUES


1 Chicken leftover : BONE
2 Be adjacent to : ABUT
3 Musician’s conclusion : CODA
4 Beer barrel : KEG
5 “___ U Been Gone” (Kelly Clarkson hit) : SINCE
6 Mess up, as hair : TOUSLE
7 As well as : AND
8 Beyond big : GIGANTIC
9 Big public argument : SCENE
10 Baked things that might get people baked : POT BROWNIES
11 Currency that replaced the mark and peseta : EURO
12 Got an A+ on : ACED
13 ___/them pronouns : THEY
18 Mideast leaders : EMIRS
23 Tug hard : YANK
24 Keep cool in a pool, perhaps : BEAT THE HEAT
26 Trails : PATHS
27 Open-air lobbies : ATRIA
28 Menial workers, dismissively : PEONS
30 Strip of mowed grass : SWATH
32 EGOT-winning actress Davis : VIOLA
33 Contributed to a kitty : ANTED
34 Loses traction on the road : SKIDS
36 Commercial lead-in to Pen : EPI-
38 Take-home amount : NET
41 Cover completely : ENSHROUD
44 “Anger leads to ___. ___ leads to suffering”: Yoda : HATE
46 Surgeon, for short : OR DOC
49 Riddle : ENIGMA
52 Something you might clear to improve memory : CACHE
54 Catchall category : OTHER
55 Undergarment for a dress : SLIP
56 Acorn producers : OAKS
57 Frosts, as a cake : ICES
59 Hawaiian banquet : LUAU
60 Fairy tale baddie : OGRE
61 Professors’ degs. : PHDS
64 Big name in fleecy boots : UGG
65 What a good joke never gets : OLD

5 thoughts on “0212-24 NY Times Crossword 12 Feb 24, Monday”

  1. 4:59. Would have been a few seconds faster, but I sneezed in the middle.

    I’ve always been fond of beech TREEs and beech wood because it’s used in the production of Budweiser. Apparently it’s very porous and the yeast kind of settles into it and rests there…not that I would learn anything like that on the Anheuser-Busch brewery tours in St. Louis or anything.

    Best –

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