Constructed by: Alan Siegel
Edited by: Will Shortz
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Today’s Reveal Answer: Symbiotic
Themed answers come in pairs that cross each other in the grid. Each element in each pair is in a SYMBIOTIC relationship with the other in the pair:
- 62A Mutually beneficial … or a hint to three pairs of crossing answers in this puzzle : SYMBIOTIC
- 14A Orange-and-white-striped swimmers that lure prey to 5-Downs : CLOWNFISH
- 5D Stinging sea creature that offers protection to 14-Across : ANEMONE
- 28A “Hitchhiker” whose warning cries help a 31-Down avoid poachers : TICKBIRD
- 31D Horned grazer that provides mite meals to a 28-Across : RHINO
- 44A Nocturnal flier that disperses seeds of a 40-Down : FRUIT BAT
- 40D Ficus that produces sweets favored by a 44-Across : FIG TREE
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Bill’s time: 7m 22s
Bill’s errors: 0
Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies
1 Island group that straddles the International Date Line : SAMOA
The official name for the South Pacific nation formerly known as Western Samoa is the Independent State of Samoa. Samoa is the western part of the island group, with American Samoa lying to the southeast. The whole group of islands used to be known as Navigators Island, a name given by European explorers in recognition of the seafaring skills of the native Samoans.
The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line that runs north-south along the 180-degree line of longitude (with a few deviations). The IDL is located on the opposite side of the Earth to the Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England. A person flying non-stop around the world from east to west loses one hour each time he or she crosses a time zone. When that person arrives back at his or her starting point, he or she would have lost 24 hours in total, a full day. So, the traveler has to compensate by moving the calendar forward 24 hours, by adding a day. By convention, this change of date is made when crossing the IDL.
9 Disney’s futuristic theme park : EPCOT
EPCOT Center (now just called “Epcot”) is the theme park beside Walt Disney World in Florida. EPCOT is an acronym standing for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, and is a representation of the future as envisioned by Walt Disney. Walt Disney actually wanted to build a living community for 20,000 residents at EPCOT, but he passed away without that vision being realized.
14 Orange-and-white-striped swimmers that lure prey to 5-Downs : CLOWNFISH
[5D Stinging sea creature that offers protection to 14-Across : ANEMONE]
Clownfish are very colorful, attractive-looking fish. They are orange and often have broad strips of white and black on their bodies depending on species. Clownfish spend their lives in a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones.
16 Spice in pumpkin spice : CLOVE
Cloves are the flower buds of the tree Syzygium aromaticum. Until a couple of centuries ago, clove trees were only found in the Maluku Islands in Indonesia. Because they were a rich source of cloves, mace and nutmeg, the Moluccas were referred to historically as the Spice Islands.
Pumpkin spice is a blend of spices that is a common ingredient in pumpkin pies. It is mainly found in American stores, and is roughly equivalent to the blend referred to as “mixed spice” in other English-speaking parts of the world. The main spices included are cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves.
18 Hell : HADES
Hades was the god of the underworld to the ancient Greeks. Over time, Hades gave his name to the underworld itself, the place where the dead reside. The term “Hades” was also adopted into the Christian tradition, as an alternative name for hell. But, the concept of hell in Christianity is more akin to the Greek “Tartarus”, which is a dark and gloomy dungeon located in Hades, a place of suffering and torment.
23 Figures advised by consiglieres : DONS
A consigliere (plural “consiglieri”) is a trusted advisor and confidant to a Mafia boss. “Consigliere” is Italian for “counselor”. The pecking order in a Mafia family is boss, underboss, consigliere.
28 “Hitchhiker” whose warning cries help a 31-Down avoid poachers : TICKBIRD
[31D Horned grazer that provides mite meals to a 28-Across : RHINO]
Tickbirds are also known as oxpeckers. They are known for perching on large mammals such as rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses. They have a relatively unusual relationship with the mammal on which they perch, in that it is both symbiotic and parasitic. They are helpful to the mammal by feeding on ticks that feed on the host’s blood, and they also emit a hissing sound when danger is approaching. They can also exhibit parasitic behavior by themselves feeding on blood oozing from open wounds on the host.
33 Knighted actor Michael : CAINE
There have been only two actors who have been nominated for an Academy Award in every decade from the 1960s to the 2000s. One is Jack Nicholson, and the other is Michael Caine. Caine is now known as Sir Michael Caine, as he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in the year 2000.
35 Dos x cuatro : OCHO
In Spanish, “ocho” (eight) is the product of “cuatro” (four) and “dos” (two).
36 Path of a meteor in the sky : ARC
A meteoroid is a small rocky or metallic body traveling through space. Once in the atmosphere, the meteoroid is referred to as a “meteor” or “shooting star”. Almost all meteoroids burn up, but if one is large enough to survive and reach the ground then we call it a meteorite. The word “meteor” comes from the Greek “meteōros” meaning “high in the air”.
39 Moray’s habitat : REEF
A reef is a ridge of stable material lying beneath the surface of a body of water. They can be made up of sand or rock, and also of coral. The largest coral reef on the planet is Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which stretches over 1,400 miles.
Morays are a large group of about 200 species of eels found across the world’s oceans. They are carnivorous and look pretty scary but they’re quite shy when confronted and present no threat to humans. One interesting thing about morays is that they will sometimes work in cooperation with the grouper fish found in reefs, the two helping each other hunt for food.
41 Arm wrestler’s bone of contention? : ULNA
The radius and ulna are bones in the forearm. If you hold the palm of your hand up in front of you, the radius is the bone on the “thumb-side” of the arm, and the ulna is the bone on the “pinky-side”.
44 Nocturnal flier that disperses seeds of a 40-Down : FRUIT BAT
[40D Ficus that produces sweets favored by a 44-Across : FIG TREE]
The genus of bats known as fruit bats are also commonly referred to as flying foxes. Their natural habits are found mainly in South Asia, Australia and East Africa.
47 College sr.’s next hurdle, perhaps : GRE
Passing the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is usually a requirement for entry into graduate school here in the US.
48 Brazilian named “Athlete of the Century” by the International Olympic Committee : PELE
“Pelé” was the nickname of Edson de Nascimento, a soccer player who used the name “Pelé” for most of his life. For my money, Pelé was the world’s greatest ever player of the game. He was the only person to have been a member of three World Cup winning squads (1958, 1962 and 1970), and was a national treasure in his native Brazil. One of Pele’s nicknames was “O Rei do Futebol” (the King of Football).
49 Milk sugar : LACTOSE
The sugar known as lactose is a disaccharide, comprising a molecule of galactose combined with a molecule of glucose. Lactose is a major component in milk, and it is broken down in the body by an enzyme called lactase. The production of lactase used to diminish over time in humans, as babies stopped nursing and transitioned to solid food. Many human populations have evolved to maintain lactase production throughout life, a response to the inclusion of animal milk in the diet. Individuals and populations that do not have the genes enabling lifelong production of lactase are said to be lactose intolerant.
54 Host of an annual N.Y.C. gala, with “the” : … MET
The Metropolitan Opera (often simply “the Met”) of New York City is the largest classical music organization in the country, presenting about 220 performances each and every year. Founded in 1880, the Met is renowned for using technology to expand its audiences. Performances have been broadcast live on radio since 1931, and on television since 1977. And since 2006 you can go see a live performance from New York in high definition on the big screen, at a movie theater near you …
58 Optical device with segmented mirrors : TELESCOPE
The first patent application for a telescope was filed in 1608 in the Netherlands, to eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey. However, research has shown that there is some evidence that telescopes were built before 1608, perhaps as early as the mid-1500s. But it is clear that reports of Lippershey’s design spread quickly around Europe. By 1609, Galileo had built his own telescope and started to explore the night sky.
61 Photographer Adams : ANSEL
As an avid amateur photographer, I have been a big fan of the work of Ansel Adams for many years and must have read all of his books. Adams was famous for clarity and depth in his black and white images. Central to his technique was the use of the zone system, his own invention. The zone system is a way of controlling exposure in an image, particularly when there is a high contrast in the subject. Although the technique was developed primarily for black & white film, it can even apply to digital color images. In the digital world, the main technique is to expose an image for the highlights, and one or more images for the shadows. These images can then be combined digitally giving a final photograph with a full and satisfying range of exposures.
62 Mutually beneficial … or a hint to three pairs of crossing answers in this puzzle : SYMBIOTIC
The term “symbiosis” describes a close relationship between members of two different species that benefits at least one member. There are three types of symbiotic relationship. In mutualism, the relationship is mutually beneficial. In parasitism, only one member benefits, and the other is harmed. In commensalism, one species benefits without any significant impact on the other.
1 Trash-hauling boat : SCOW
A scow is a flat-bottomed boat with squared-off ends that’s often used for transportation, usually pushed or pulled by a barge. Often, a scow can be seen carrying junk or garbage.
4 Barn hooter : OWL
“Hoot owl” is an informal name for the barred owl. Barred owls have dark stripes running up and down the underside of their bodies, hence the name “barred”. They also have a very distinctive two-phrase vocalization, hence the name “hoot”.
5 Stinging sea creature that offers protection to 14-Across : ANEMONE
[14A Orange-and-white-striped swimmers that lure prey to 5-Downs : CLOWNFISH]
The name “anemone” means “daughter of the wind” in Greek, and at one time it was believed that the wind was what actually caused the flower to bloom. The sea anemone is named for the terrestrial plant even though the sea anemone isn’t a plant at all. The sea anemone is a predatory animal found on the ocean floor.
6 Some of these are compact : DISCS
The compact disc (CD) was developed jointly by Philips and Sony as a medium for storing and playing sound recordings. When the first commercial CD was introduced back in 1982, a CD’s storage capacity was far greater than the amount of data that could be stored on the hard drive of personal computers available at that time.
10 Inactive pill, maybe : PLACEBO
A placebo is a medical treatment that is ineffective, but that is deliberately formulated to deceive the patient into thinking it is real. Placebos can be given as control treatments in trials, and so the level of deception can be relatively low, as the patients are aware of the possibility of being given an ineffective treatment. The term “placebo” is the Latin word for “I shall please”. The idea is that the treatment is given more to please than to benefit the patient.
11 End piece? : CODA
In music, a coda is primarily a passage that brings a movement to a conclusion. “Coda” is Italian for “tail”.
27 Houston sch. : RICE U
Rice University is a private school in Houston, Texas. William Marsh Rice had made a will endowing the funds for the establishment of the school at the time of his death. When he was found dead one morning in his bed, his lawyer announced that his will had been changed, with the bulk of Rice’s estate actually going to the lawyer making the announcement. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the lawyer had paid Rice’s valet to murder his employer using chloroform and a fake will was written. Eventually, the original will was deemed valid and the funds were disbursed so that the school could be built.
29 Tenerife, por ejemplo : ISLA
In Spanish, Tenerife “por ejemplo” (for example), is an “isla” (island).
Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands located off the coast of Morocco in North Africa. Part of Spain, Tenerife is the nation’s most populous island, home to almost 900,000 people. It also receives about five million visitors annually, making it one of the most important tourist destinations in the world.
31 Horned grazer that provides mite meals to a 28-Across : RHINO
[28A “Hitchhiker” whose warning cries help a 31-Down avoid poachers : TICKBIRD]
There are five types of rhinoceros that survive today, with the smaller Javan Rhino being the most rare. The rhinoceros is probably the rarest large mammal on the planet, thanks to poaching. Hunters mainly prize the horn of the rhino as it is used in powdered form in traditional Chinese medicine.
34 Certain soda pop : COLA
The nut of the kola tree has a bitter taste, and is loaded with caffeine. Despite the taste, the nut is habitually chewed in some cultures, especially in West Africa where the tree is commonly found in the rainforest. Here in the US we best know the kola nut as a flavoring used in cola drinks.
37 Rubik’s toys : CUBES
What was originally called the “Magic Cube” became better known as “Rubik’s Cube”, and was named for its inventor Ernő Rubik. Rubik’s Cube is the world’s biggest selling puzzle game, with over 350 million sold in just over 30 years.
40 Ficus that produces sweets favored by a 44-Across : FIG TREE
[44A Nocturnal flier that disperses seeds of a 40-Down : FRUIT BAT]
The fig is the fruit of a small tree in the mulberry family. Once picked, figs don’t travel very well, so the bulk of figs consumed have been preserved by drying.
45 Toll collectors of folklore : TROLLS
“Troll” is a term that comes from Norse mythology. They are less-than-helpful creatures that tend to live on isolated mountains, in caves and under bridges.
48 Lifeline locales : PALMS
In the practice called palmistry, someone might tell your fortune by interpreting the lines and other features seen on the palm of your hand. The lines in the palm have names such as life line, head line, heart line and fate line. The life line is the curve that sweeps around in an arc centered at the base of the thumb.
49 Future atty.’s hurdle : LSAT
Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
50 The “A” in A.D. : ANNO
The designations Anno Domini (AD, “year of Our Lord”) and Before Christ (BC) are found in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The dividing point between AD and BC is the year of the conception of Jesus, with AD 1 following 1 BC without a year “0” in between. The AD/BC scheme dates back to AD 525, and gained wide acceptance soon after AD 800. Nowadays a modified version has become popular, with CE (Common/Christian Era) used to replace AD, and BCE (Before the Common/Christian Era) used to replace BC.
52 “Keep commerce human” website : ETSY was founded in 2005 as a way for artists and craftspeople to sell their handmade goods online, and has since grown to include vintage items and crafting supplies as well. The company’s name is derived from the Italian word “etsi,” which means “oh, yes”? This was a nod to founder Rob Kalin’s love of Italy and his appreciation for the country’s history and artistry.
54 Big name in applesauce : MOTT
Samuel R. Mott was a producer of apple cider and vinegar. In 1842 he founded his own company to market and sell his products. The Mott’s company owns brands such as Mr & Mrs T, Hawaiian Punch and ReaLime/ReaLemon.
59 Cat’s-___ : EYE
A “cat’s eye” is a type of marble, one sometimes used as a shooter in the game. A cat’s eye marble is made from glass, with a colored insert that resembles a real cat’s eye.
60 Dove’s call : COO!
Taxonomically, doves and pigeons are the only members of the order Columbidae. The terms “dove” and “pigeon” are often used interchangeably. Scientifically speaking, dove species tend to be smaller than pigeon species. Colloquially though, many refer to doves as the white or nearly white species in the family.
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Complete List of Clues/Answers
1 Island group that straddles the International Date Line : SAMOA
6 Performing pair : DUO
9 Disney’s futuristic theme park : EPCOT
14 Orange-and-white-striped swimmers that lure prey to 5-Downs : CLOWNFISH
16 Spice in pumpkin spice : CLOVE
17 Drilling deals : OIL LEASES
18 Hell : HADES
19 Exchanged rings, say : WED
20 Audio device that’s tap-tap-tapped : MIC
21 Coal carrier : ORE CART
23 Figures advised by consiglieres : DONS
24 King beater : ACE
25 It’s done in the short run : SPRINT
28 “Hitchhiker” whose warning cries help a 31-Down avoid poachers : TICKBIRD
33 Knighted actor Michael : CAINE
34 Big beer buy : CASE
35 Dos x cuatro : OCHO
36 Path of a meteor in the sky : ARC
37 Had the ability : COULD
38 “___ for apple” : A IS
39 Moray’s habitat : REEF
41 Arm wrestler’s bone of contention? : ULNA
42 Informal “Shall we …?” : WANNA …?
44 Nocturnal flier that disperses seeds of a 40-Down : FRUIT BAT
46 Laser pointer or yarn ball, maybe : CAT TOY
47 College sr.’s next hurdle, perhaps : GRE
48 Brazilian named “Athlete of the Century” by the International Olympic Committee : PELE
49 Milk sugar : LACTOSE
53 On ___ fours : ALL
54 Host of an annual N.Y.C. gala, with “the” : … MET
57 Problem for a motorist or stylist : SNARL
58 Optical device with segmented mirrors : TELESCOPE
61 Photographer Adams : ANSEL
62 Mutually beneficial … or a hint to three pairs of crossing answers in this puzzle : SYMBIOTIC
63 “Absolutely!,” in slang : TOTES!
64 “Absolutely!” : YES!
65 One of many in a dictionary’s thumb index : NOTCH
1 Trash-hauling boat : SCOW
2 “That’s ___!” (“Not so!”) : A LIE
3 Foundry receptacle : MOLD
4 Barn hooter : OWL
5 Stinging sea creature that offers protection to 14-Across : ANEMONE
6 Some of these are compact : DISCS
7 Put into practice : USE
8 Very, very : OH SO
9 Payment sans ink and paper : E-CHECK
10 Inactive pill, maybe : PLACEBO
11 End piece? : CODA
12 ___ easy : OVER
13 Midterm, e.g. : TEST
15 Barely there : FAINT
22 Was in a rush : RACED
23 Noisy clattering : DIN
25 Inhale, as dinner : SCARE
26 Apple tool : PARER
27 Houston sch. : RICE U
28 Poke fun at : TAUNT
29 Tenerife, por ejemplo : ISLA
30 “Sorry, too busy” : I CAN’T
31 Horned grazer that provides mite meals to a 28-Across : RHINO
32 “Ooh, tell us everything!” : DO SAY!
34 Certain soda pop : COLA
37 Rubik’s toys : CUBES
40 Ficus that produces sweets favored by a 44-Across : FIG TREE
42 Encloses with bricks, e.g. : WALLS IN
43 Feasted : ATE
45 Toll collectors of folklore : TROLLS
46 A-lister : CELEB
48 Lifeline locales : PALMS
49 Future atty.’s hurdle : LSAT
50 The “A” in A.D. : ANNO
51 Toss out a line and lure : CAST
52 “Keep commerce human” website : ETSY
54 Big name in applesauce : MOTT
55 Grand in scale : EPIC
56 PC crash fixer : TECH
59 Cat’s-___ : EYE
60 Dove’s call : COO!
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7 thoughts on “0905-23 NY Times Crossword 5 Sep 23, Tuesday”
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14:16, no errors. Brain not engaged today.
10:11, no errors.
7:23, no errors. Late to the party, as I spent my morning working on the puncture-vine situation at my exercise lake. Not sure how much more of that kind of work I have left in me … 🤨.
10:41. More work than I was prepared for. Shout out to my undergrad institution of RICE U.
Slowly getting back to normal here.
Best –
13 flat clean.
8:08 clean for this week’s Tuesday oldie but goodie freebie of Dec. 12, 2016.
Little tough for a tuesday. But it’s all good…
No errors…didn’t try to figure out the theme.
Stay safe😀