This is my solution to the crossword published in the New York Times today. If you are doing the New York Times crossword in any other publication, you are working on the syndicated puzzle.
Here is a link to my answers to today’s SYNDICATED New York Times crossword.
Who's the idiot that concocted this type of puzzle & didn't put even a HINT that some clues would 2 or 3 letters in one block?!? Not only does this appear lazy, but stupid & ridiculous. Often people make mistakes & we almost abandoned the puzzle thinking that that is what happened. If you're gonna do this….give us a heads up! Jerk.
I was just talking to someone about the same issue via email.
More often than not there is no warning or hint when multiple letter blocks are included in a NYTimes puzzle. I don't get too phased by it though. I usually find that if I am doing really badly at a puzzle, then I need to consider that there's a multiple-letter trick that I am missing. Then I look at the puzzle differently, and usually it opens up for me.
lovely when this appears on the ipad app with no way of adding in multiple letters :/
Your complaint about the lack of multiple letter capability in the online app is a common one. With so many complaints, I have to believe that some is working on it.
I just bought myelf a Kindle Fire HD, and I have yet to work out how to get that app to work the Amazon/Google operating system.